Student Services
Providing advice and support to our international and German GET MA students is very important to us: before, during and after their studies. Due to our open-door-policy we are always available for our students. We help our students with bureaucratic processes (e.g. visa and residence formalities, enrolment at the university, health insurance etc.), but also with personal questions (e.g. finding accommodation, orientation in the new city).
Administrative and professional support is guaranteed during the entire period of study. We are also happy to help with the search for internships or for supervisors for the final thesis.
Team Berlin

Prof. Dr. Silvia von Steinsdorff
Director International Relations | Comparative Political Sciences and Political Systems of Eastern Europe
Tel.: +49 30 2093-66570

Dr. rer. pol. Claudia-Y. Matthes
Director of Studies Int. MA Programs
Tel.: +49 30 2093-66544

Dipl.- Sozialwiss. Daniela Jahn
Student and Career Services Manager
Tel.: +49 30 2093-66545

Dipl.- Sozialwiss. Christian Wilhelm
Manager Int. MA Programs
Tel.: +49 30 2093-66547

Team Ankara

Director of Studies at METU | Department of International Relations
Career Services
As part of our student services package, we offer specific career counselling to our students. During your time in Berlin, we will help you plan and prepare for your career by offering the following:
- Individual career coaching
- Workshops on career planning, presentation, cv/resume writing, the job interview
- Info meeting on preparing for a doctorate, etc.
- Workshops in social science methods and academic skills
- Books on reserve on academic and scientific topics and career planning
- Recommendations for career preparation courses suited to your individual needs.
Our goal is to support you whether you are planning to work directly after your MA or to go on to complete a Doctorate. We are here to help you get on the right track to your ideal career!
For further information/assistance, please also have a look at:
University Career Centers
Support students during the transition phase beween university and professional life by offering workshops, information and couselling on topics like intership, professional orientation, job interviews and application:
- Career Center Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (only in German)
- Career Service Freie Universität Berlin (only in German)
- Career Service Technische Universität Berlin
Career Preparation Courses:
- Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin KUSTOS (Kultur- und Studienorientierung für internationale Studierende - only in German)
- Humboldt Graduate School (provided there are free places)
- Hochschulteam der Agentur für Arbeit (only in German)
- Volkshochschulen Berlin (only in German)
The GET MA program helps students to enrich their academic experience by providing them with the opportunity to undertake a 3-month internship during the summer break before the second year.
Thereby, students gain valuable insight into the professional life in Germany, Türkiye or abroad. After completion of their internship, students draw up a internship report which firstly helps them to reflect their experiences and secondly gives future students an insight look into the internship organisation.
If you plan to do an internship abroad, there are several funding options: Once you are enrolled at Humboldt University you have the opportunity to apply for a Erasmus+ or PROMOS scholarships. Further information on Erasmus+ and PROMOS.
In the section "Job search" you can find a lot of helpful links in order to find a suitable internship.
Former GET MA-students have successfully completed interships in various fields such as:
Academic Management and Research
- Center for European Studies (METU)
- International Middle East Peace Research Centre
- Institute for International and Security Affairs (Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik; SWP)
- Karelian Institute (University of Eastern Finland)
- Kiron University
- Statistical, Economic, Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC)
- Centre for Policy and Research in Türkiye+
- Institute of Strategic Thinking
- Istanbul Policy Center
- Berlin School of Creative Leadership
- Migration Research Foundation (Göç Araştırmaları Vakfı - GAV)
Arts and Culture
- Ankara International Film Festival
- Internationales Literaturfestival Berlin (ILB)
- Goethe Institute Ankara
- Superpool
Business and Management
- Türkisch-Deutsche Unternehmervereinigung Berlin Brandenburg e.V.
- Business Keeper AG
- Ida Istanbul Proje Hizmetleri Anonim Sirketi
- AlixPartners
Charity and Social Service
- Stadtmission Berlin
- Treff- und Informationsort für Türkische Frauen TIO e.V.
- HochDrei Begegnung, Bildung und Beratungsstelle
Development Cooperation
Government and Politics
- Senat for Integration and Migration, Germany
- Centre for European Union Education & Youth Programs
- German Embassy Helsinki
- Ministry for Employment and Social Security, Türkiye
- Ministry of EU-Affairs, Türkiye
- Turkish Ministry of Family and Social Sciences
- DAAD - German Academic Exchange Service
International Organisations
- Regional Environmental Center (Bölgesel Cevre Merkezi)
- United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
- International Education Centre for Global Minds (IEC)
- United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
- United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
- IUSY – International Union of socialist Youth
Journalism and Publishing
- Cumhuriyet
- Germany's International Broadcaster (Deutsche Welle)
- Newspaper BirGün
- YouTube Channel of the Freelance Journalist Nalan Sipar
- Medyascope
Language Teaching and Translation
Non-Governmental Organisations
- Adopt a Revolution
- Association for Solidarity with Asylum-Seekers and Migrants (ASAM)
- ARSIS, Association for the social support of Youth
- Belgrade Fund for Political Excellence
- Ceza ve Infaz Sisteminde Sivil Toplum Denergi (CISST)
- German Institute for Human Rights
- FES Beirut (German Political Research Foundation in Beirut)
- Human Rights Joint Platform
- Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD)
- The Association for the Support of Contemporary Life (CYDD)
- Technical Assistance for Mining Waste Management Project
- The Confederation of the Disabled in Türkiye
- Flying Broom Foundation
- JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency)
Private Think Tanks and Research Institutes
- Institute for European Politics (IEP)
- Centre of Modern Orientalism in Germany (ZMO)
- Center for Middle Eastern Strategic Studies (ORSAM)
Umbrella Organisations
- Armenian Environmental Network (AEN)
- Turkish Alliance Berlin-Brandenburg (Türkischer Bund Berlin-Brandenburg, TBB)
- The Turkish Employers’ Association of Construction Industries (INTES)
Job Search
The following websites can help students to find internships or job opportunities:
This website lists jobs in Germany at universities and research institutes. You can receive a weekly newsletter with new jobs.
Magazine "Arbeitsmarkt"
This magazine provides a detailed overview on current job opportunities. The weekly magazine skims through 55 weekly and daily newspapers, 31 professional journals and 50 online job markets and collect relevant internships and jobs for social scientists.
Career fair for German and international interns.
This website is cooperated between different German universities and online job and internship fairs. Its focus is interdisciplinary and useful for graduates, trainees and interns, though most of them are in German language. You can also find tips for applying, the job interview, first day in job and your rights as an intern.
Job offers in german public administration
This advanced search engine provides information on internships and jobs worldwide.
Career fair for students of the Kultur-, Sozial- und Bildungswissenschaftliche Fakultät of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, which includes social sciences but focuses on cultural sciences in general.
The changer is a Berlin based social business. It aims to make it easier to find a job with social impact.
The "Geisteswirtschaft" Blog helps you with questions concerning humanities and social scinece in general. You will find detailed information e.g. about study opportunities and work fields, job offers an interviews with experts.
H soz U kult
Website that informs about current jobs at (mainly) german universities, as well as internships in the field of academia.
Jarocco offers jobs only for academics, with special focus on humanities, social and cultural science
This website contains information on internships in Germany and abroad. Furthermore, it provides tips on applications, assessment centers and interviews.
Integrates different job and internship fairs such as FAZ, Süddeutsche, Tagesspiegel, UNICUM, JobScout24.
Junge Osteuropa-Spezialisten
This is a forum for young professionals in social sciences who focus on central and Eastern Europe. Irregularly updated are information on conferences, research projects, publications, scholarships and job/internship offers.
Karriereportal Handelsblatt and Wirtschaftswoche
Provides beside different offers for interns and jobs some additional tips and information on your perfect job application portfolio, the job interview, assessment center, certificates etc. in thematic dossiers.
The "Wirtschaftswoche" is a weekly magazine for economy. This website includes job and internship exchanges of online databases and newspapers such as, Süddeutsche Zeitung, eFinancialCareers, JobLeads, Jobscout24, salesjob.
Die Zeit
Die Zeit is a renowned weekly newspaper, orientated on current political and intellectual topics. Hence, it focuses on academic and research fields. This platform includes the job offers of the last four printed versions.
Interns and jobs – service of the Humboldt-Universität
Includes different search engines and websites for student-jobs, interns and jobs as well as general information about applying, the job interview, first day in job etc. Pro: Good general overview.
Job portal of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin with job offers targeted exclusively at stu- dents, newly graduates, scientists and alumni of HU Berlin. Pro: List of current job offers.
Internships and jobs in specific countries/regions:
- United Kingdom:
- Netherlands: Dutch Academic Career Network
- Europe: EURES - The European Job Mobility Portal
- Russia: Kulturportal Russland
Job opportunities according to vocational fields:
- Social Sciences: H-Soz-u-Kult
- Humanitarian Aid:
- Development Cooperation, Development Aid, Emergency and Disaster Relief:
- International Relations: Deutsche Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft (DVPW) (newsletter)
Job opportunities in international organizations:
- German ministries, public administration:
- EU institutions:
- UN institutions:
- independent, not for profit list of United Nations vacancies created by Sebastian Rottmair:
- United Nations Volunteers (UNV) Program
- UNFCCC employment and internship opportunities
- Nonprofit organizations, NGOs:
- International organizations in general: