Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Department of Social Sciences

Internship coordination

The Study and Exam Regulations for the BA course requires that students complete an internship. Students can find all the information necessary to complete the internship module in the following pages!

The following regulations, derived from the Study and Exam Regulations, and confirmed by the relevant committees, apply.
For students from the mono-Bachelor programme in Social Sciences, Dr. Martin Nagelschmidt is the Internships Officer of the Department of Social Sciences and is responsible for advice on and recognition of the mandatory internship.

The Role of the Mandatory Internship in BA Social Sciences

The internship should provide insight into typical working environments for social scientists. Work in relevant professional fields should enable the student to apply knowledge and skills in both theoretical and empirical social sciences in a practical context, recognise any missing areas of knowledge and provide input and ideas for the design and organisation of their further studies. Students should develop both professional experience, along with a reflexive approach to the knowledge and methods developed through the course by engaging in concrete work processes.

Roles and Tasks

As far as possible internships should be sought in the following fields: political parties, foundations and institutions, NGOs, national, regional and local administration and other institutions, media, research institutes, and enterprises in both the private and the public sector.

Recognition and Support Throughout the Internship

The Internships Officer of the Department, Dr. Martin Nagelschmidt, will provide as much support and supervision during the internship as is necessary, will grade the internship report and will complete any credit certificates. As a result, he will also assess the content of the internship (social scientific relevance, length). 

Further information on internships...

  • In the Moodle-Course

Course Nr.: 530433

Name: Praktikumsvorbereitungscolloquium 2021

Password: Praktikum2021

  • On the website of Sprungbrett, the internship plattform of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

  • The Humboldt-University owns a  job portal together with other universities in Berlin.

  • Opportunites for advanced education of any kind are organised by the Career Center of the HU Berlin. Surfing through these pages wil be worth it for all students and graduates as well  (up to 12 moths after graduation).


Contact | Office Hours

Rules for attaining  credit certificate: The credit certificate for the internship and the internship report, "Der Leistungsnachweis für das Praktikum und den Praktikumsbericht", can be handed out two weeks after submission of the internship report at the earliest.

Office hours (lecture period): Tue 12-13 Uhr by arrangement (registration by email in advance is necessary)

Internships Officer

Dr. Martin Nagelschmidt
Office: Universitätsstr. 3 b, Room 109
Tel:+49 30 2093 66505


Student Assistants

Johanna Siebeking

Constantin Winkler

General information

Questions about formalities

Information about internship posts

Certificate for mandatory intership