Registering your place of residence
In Germany, everybody is required to register their place of residence with the city's authorties. Just take a confirmation from your landlord stating that you have moved in, a completed form of enrollment and your passport to the municipality offices called Bürgeramt.
Berlin allows you to register at any of its numerous Bürgerämter, regardless which district of the city you live in. In return, you receive the certificate of registration – Meldebescheinigung. You will need this certificate in order to be able to complete many other bureaucratic tasks, such as setting up a bank account or registering at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
We highly recommend to fix an appointment in advance either online on the website of the Bürgerämter or you can also call the Bürgertelefon +49 30 115.
Sometimes there are more appointments available at a Bürgeramt a little bit outside of the city center. Although this might take a longer commute, it will be quicker in total.