GeT MA Working Papers Reihe
Die GeT MA Working Papers Reihe ist eine einzigartige Sammlung exzellenter Masterarbeiten, die von den Studierenden des deutsch-türkischen Masterstudiengangs erstellt wurden.
Turkey's view on NATO through the scope of strategic culture theories 2009-2016 (Cesar Vinken, Netherlands)
Schlagworte: Strategy culture, Turkish Foreign Policy, NATO, Ahmet Davutoğlu, Neo-Ottomanism
The Community of Academics for Peace in Germany - How Frames and Identities Shape the Development of a Transnational Social Movement (Anne Berger, Germany)
Schlagworte: Social Movement Theory, Turkey, collective identity, transnational social movements, Framing Theory
Violence and the Neoliberal Governing of the ‘Unwanted’ - The case of Serbian Asylum Seekers in Germany (Jelena Jovičić, Serbia)
Schlagworte: neoliberal governing, asylum rights, refugees, labeling, violence
Domestic Politics and the Decision-Making Process in Turkish Foreign Policy (Anne Bunnenberg, Germany)
Schlagworte: Turkey,foreign policy, domestic politics, realism, liberalism, Islamic State, AKP
Turkish Language as a Politicized Element: The Case of Turkish Nation-Building (Tolga Sevin, Turkey)
Schlagworte: Sprachpolitik, Türkische Sprache, Türkischer Nationalismus, Sprachreform, Sun-Sprachtheorie
Coercive Diplomacy Strategy of the EU. The European Union's Engagement with Iran on Its Nuclear Programme (Asli Degirmenci Sagbakken, Turkey)
Schlagworte: Coercive Diplomacy, Nuclear Power, Iran’s Nuclear Programme, European Union, Security
The Perceptions, Attitudes and Political Strategies of "Die Linke". A Political Discourse Analysis (Can Küçükali, Turkey)
Schlagworte: Die Linke; critical discourse analysis; political discourse analysis; discursive strategies; German politics
Corporate Social Responsibility in the Realm of neo-liberal Art of Governing (Ela Kurtcu, Turkey)
Schlagworte: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Turkey, neo-liberalism, governmentality
Online Mobilization and Offline Participation in European Elections (Constantin Manuel Bosancianu, Romania)
Schlagworte: mobilization, online, offline, European Parliament elections, structural equation modeling
Bound to Lose! The Tea Party and Pro-Köln Right-Wing Populist Reactions to Mosque Construction. A Comparative Analysis (Noah Telson, USA)
Schlagworte: Populism, Mosque, Pro-Köln, Tea-Party
Irregular Migration in Germany. "Assistance to Return" as Expression of New Rationalities of Government (Ruth Steuerwald, Germany)
Schlagworte: Fostering return, voluntary return, irregular migration, governmentality
Dynamic Partnership. A Constructivist Discourse Analysis of the Contemporary American Understanding of the U.S.-Turkish Relationship (Ursula Elinor Moffitt, USA)
Schlagworte: Constructivism, discourse analysis, post-structuralism, American foreign policy, U.S.-Turkish relations, presidential speeches, Obama, Erdogan
Governing Health. Transformations in the Turkish Health Care System (Stefan Kohlwes, Germany)
Schlagworte: Turkey, Welfare State, Social Policy, Health Care, Governmentality, Health Transformation Program, Neoliberalism
The Russian-Turkish Gas Trade Partnership. Structures and Policies (Mavjuda Akramova, Tajikistan)
Schlagworte: Russian-Turkish relations; Russian-Turkish Gas Trade Partnership, Russian-Turkish bilateral trade, Energy diplomacy, Global and Regional aspirations, Russian-Turkish pragmatism and interdependence
Turkish Foreign Policy towards the Balkans. The influence of traditional determinants on Davutoğlu’s conception of Turkey-Balkan Relations (Marija Mitrovic, Serbia)
Schlagworte: Turkish Foreign Policy, Ahmet Davutoğlu, the Balkans, international relations, constructivism, agency-structur