Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Stadt- und Regionalsoziologie





Blokland, Talja; Serbedzija, Vojin (2020) Feeling safe, defining crime and urban youth in Berlin’s inner city: An exploration of the construction of ‘unsafety’ and ‘youth’ as symbolic violence. In: Smagacz-Poziemska M. et al. (Eds.) Inequality and Uncertainty. Singapore: Palgrave, 161-183.




Blokland, Talja (2019) They got a project mentality: Theorizing neighborhood dis-identification and the paradox of belonging through the lens of “the Ghetto”. In: DIE ERDE 150(2): 101-112.

Blokland, Talja (2019) We live like prisoners in a camp: Surveillance, governance and agency in a US housing project. In: Flint, J. & R. Powell (eds.) Class, Ethnicity and State in the Polarized Metropolis. Cham: Palgrave, 53-79.

Blokland T.; Juhnke, Sebastian (2019) Between 'creative’ boost and political dysfunction: An exploration of class, culture and economic dislocation in East Berlin. In: Journal of Urban Cultural Studies 6(2): 241-264.

Schilling, Hannah; Blokland, Talja & Simone, AbdouMaliq (2019) Working precarity: Urban youth tactics to make livelihoods in instable positions in Abidjan, Athens, Berlin and Jakarta. In: The Sociological Review 67(6): 1333-1349.



Blokland, Talja; Serbedzija, Vojin (2018) Gewohnt ist nicht normal. Jugendalltag in zwei Kreuzberger Kiezen. Berlin: Logos.

Blokland, Talja (2018) On roots and routes. In: Ferro L. et al. (Eds.) Moving Cities: Contested Views on Urban Life. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 29-42.


Blokland, Talja (2017) Community as Urban Practice. Oxford: Polity Press.

Blokland, Talja (2017) The Public Life of Social Capital. In: S. Hall & R. Burdett (Eds.) (2017): The SAGE Handbook of the 21st Century City. London: Sage.

Blokland, Talja; Schultze, Henrik (2017) Belonging, Conviviality or Public Familiarity? Making Sense of Urbanity in Rapidly Transforming Neighbourhoods through the Lens of Berlin and Rotterdam. In: Smargacz-Poziemska, M.; Frysztacki, K., Bokowski, A. (Eds.) (2017): City. Municipality and Urbanity Today from a Sociological Perspective. pp. 243-264.



Blokland, T., Giustozzi, C., Krüger, D. & Schilling, H. (Eds.) (2016) Creating the Unequal City: The exclusionary consequences of everyday routines in Berlin. Farnham: Ashgate.

Blokland, T. & G. de Große-Löscher (2016) Cheating the System to Get the Best for One’s Kids: Middle Class Practices and Racist Marginalization. In: Blokland, T., Giustozzi, C., Krüger, D. & Schilling, H. (Eds.) (2015) Creating the Unequal City: The exclusionary consequences of everyday routines in Berlin. Farnham: Ashgate.

Giustozzi, C., T. Blokland & N. Freitag (2016) Secluding: Middle Class Segregation in Schools and Neighbourhoods. In: Blokland, T., Giustozzi, C., Krüger, D. & Schilling, H. (Eds.) (2016) Creating the Unequal City: The exclusionary consequences of everyday routines in Berlin. Farnham: Ashgate.


Blokland, Talja; Hentschel, Christine (2015) Life and Death of the Great Regeneration Vision: Diversity, Decay, and Upgrading in Berlin’s Ordinary Shopping Streets. In: Sharon Zukin, Philip Kasinitz und Xiangming Chen (Eds.) (2015) Global cities, local streets: Everyday diversity from New York to Shanghai. New York: Routledge., pp. 120-139 (also translated in Chinese)


Blokland, T.V. (2014): Subcity. Processes of social isolation in a gentrifying city. Manuskript bei der Yale University Press eingereicht.

Blokland, T., Giustozzi, C., Krüger, D. & Schilling, H. (Hrsg.) (2014, akzeptiert): Doing the Unequal City: The exclusionary consequences of everyday routines in Berlin. Farnham: Ashgate.

Blokland, T. V. & Nast, J. (2014): From public familiarity to comfort zone: The relevance of absent ties for belonging in mixed neighborhoods. Forthcoming in: International Journal of Urban and Regional Research.

Harding, A. and Blokland, T. (2014): Urban Theory: A critical introduction. London: Sage.

Barwick, C. & Blokland, T.V. (2014): Segregation durch Diskriminierung auf dem Wohnungsmarkt. In: Marschke & Brinkmann (Hrsg.): „Ich habe nichts gegen Ausländer, aber …“.

Blokland, T.V. & Barwick, C. (2014): Segregation durch Diskriminierung auf dem Wohnungsmarkt.



Nast, J. & Blokland, T.V. (2013): When social classes share classroom. Boundary work and social capital in an elementary school, Im Erscheinen in: Sociology (online vorher veröffentlicht im Oktober 2013).

Binken, S. & Blokland, T.V. (2013): Everyday Encounters in Public Spaces: Findings from Rotterdam and Utrecht. In: M. Kusenbach & K.E. Paulsen (Eds.), Home. International perspectives on culture, identity, and belonging (pp. 270-293). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

Blokland, T.; Li, S.-Y. (2013): Chinatown’s Spatiality, Ethnic Community and Civic Engagement: Amsterdam and Berlin Compared. In: J. Dahlvik, C. Reinprecht, & W. Sievers (Eds.), Migration und Integration – wissenschaftliche Perspektiven aus Österreich. Jahrbuch 2/2013 (pp. 239–260). Wien: Vienna Uniersity Press.



Blokland, T.V; Giustozzi, C. & Schreiber, F. (2012): The Social Dimensions of Urban Transformation: Contemporary Diversity in Global North Cities and the Challenges for Urban Cohesion. In: Mieg, H.A. & Töpfer, K. (Eds.): Institutional and Social Innovation For Sustainable Urban Development. Potsdam: Earthscan.

Blokland, T., El-Kayed, N. & Büchy, J. (2012): Beyond formal rights: challanges to political participation. In: Dziewulska, Agata and Ostrowska, Anna (Eds.), New neighbors - on the diversity of migrants' political involvement (pp. 151-166). Warsaw: Center of Europe, University of Warsaw.

Blokland, Talja and van Eijk, Gwen (2012): Do People Who Like Diversity Practice Diversity in Neighbourhood Life? Neighbourhood Use and the Social Networks of ‘Diversity-Seekers’ in a Mixed Neighbourhood in the Netherlands. In: Bolt, Gideon, Özüekren, A. Sule and Phillips, Deborah (Hgs.): Linking Integration and Residential Segregation. Routledge. New York and London.

Blokland, Talja (2012): Blaming Neither the Undeserving Poor Nor the Revanchist Middle Classes: A Relational Approach to Marginalization. In: Urban Geography. 33(4).



Blokland, T. & Binken, S. (2011, in print). Why repressive policies towards urban youths do not make streets safe: Four hypotheses. Forthcoming in: Sociological Review.

Blokland, T.V. & Horak, M. (2011, in print). Neighbourhood and civic practice: a Comparison between North America and Europe. In: Clark, S., K. Mossenberger & P. John (eds) Oxford Handbook of Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Blokland, T. V. (2011). ‘Even when I see the real scoundrel around here, I don’t feel unsafe’. On neighbourhood diversity, conflicts, and safety. In: H. Herrmann et al. (Eds.), Die Besonderheit des Städtischen. Über das Besondere der Stadt und der Stadtkultur. Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 176-193.



Blokland, T.V. & van Eijk, G. (2010). Do People Who Like Diversity Practice Diversity in Neighbourhood Life? Neighbourhood Use and the Social Networks of ‘Diversity Seekers’ in a Mixed Neighbourhood in the Netherlands. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 36(2), 313-332.

Blokland, T.V. (2010). Production of Space. In B. Warf (Ed.). The Encyclopedia of Geography. London: SAGE Publications, 2297-2298.



Blokland, T.V. (2009). Het belang van publieke familiariteit in de openbare ruimte. In: Tijdschrift voor beleid, politiek en maatschappij, 36(3), 183-191.

Blokland, T.V. (2009). Celebrating Local Histories and Defining Neighbourhood Communities: Place-making in a Gentrified Neighbourhood. In: Urban Studies, 46(8), 1593-1611.

Blokland, T.V. (2009). Review of Low/Taplin/Scheld. Rethinking Urban Parks: Public Space and Cultural Diversity. In: Journal of Urban Design, 14(2), 227-230.

Blokland, T.V. (2009). Oog voor elkaar: Veiligheidsbeleving en sociale controle in de grote stad. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.



Blokland, T.V. (2008). Het belang van der straat in de naoorlogse stad. In:  S. Franke et al. (Eds.). Stadscahiers. De transformatie van de naoorlogse stad. Amsterdam: SUN Trancity, 70-77.

Blokland, T.V. (2008). Facing Violence: Everyday Risks in an American Housing Project. In: Sociology, 42 (4), 601-617.

Blokland, T.V. (2008). From the outside looking in: A European perspective on the Ghetto. In: City and community (online), 7(4), 372-377.

Blokland, T.V. (2008). You got to remember you live in public housing: Place-making in an American housing project. In: Housing Theory and Society, 25(1), 31-46.

Blokland, T.V. (2008). Gardening with a little help of your (middle class) friends: Bridging social capital across race and class in a mixed neighbourhood. In: T.V. Blokland & M. Savage (Eds.), Networked urbanism. Social capital in the city. Aldershot: Ashgate, 147-171.

Blokland, T.V., Maginn, P.J. & Thompson, S. (2008). Methodological consequences of inclusive community development: the value of ethnography for housing studies. In: P.J. Maggin, S. Thompson & M. Tonts (Eds.), Qualitative housing analysis: an international perspective. Bingley: JAI Press, 227-247.

Blokland, T.V. & Savage, M. (2008). Social capital and networked urbanism. In: T.V. Blokland & M. Savage (Eds.), Networked urbanism. Social capital in the city. Aldershot: Ashgate, 1-22.

Blokland, T.V. & Rae, D. (2008). The end of urbanism: How the changing spatial structure of cities affected its social capital potentials. In: T.V. Blokland & M. Savage (Eds.), Networked urbanism. Social capital in the city. Aldershot: Ashgate, 23-40.

Blokland, T.V. & Noordhoff, F. (2008). The weakness of weak ties: social capital to get ahead among the urban poor in Amsterdam and Rotterdam. In: T.V. Blokland & M. Savage (Eds.), Networked urbanism. Social capital in the city. Aldershot: Ashgate, 105-126.


Blokland, T.V. & Savage, M. (Eds.). (2008). Networked Urbanism. Social Capital in the City. Hampshire: Ashgate Publishing Limited.

blokland_networked_urbanismIn spite of considerable interest in social capital amongst urban policy makers and academics alike, there is currently little direct focus on its urban dimensions. In this volume, leading urban researchers from the Netherlands, the UK, USA, Australia, Italy and France explore the nature of social networks and the significance of voluntary associations for contemporary urban life."Networked Urbanism" shows that there is currently a sense of crisis in the cohesion of the city which has led to public attempts to encourage networking, and the fostering of 'social capital'. However, the contributors collectively demonstrate how changing forms of 'networked urbanism' have broken from the kind of textured urban communities that existed in the past, revealing a need to recognize that new forms of exclusionary social capital are being generated, which fail to significantly resolve the problems of poor residents, whilst strengthening the position of the advantaged.Grounded in theoretical reflection and empirical research, "Networked Urbanism" will be controversial, and will be of interest to scholars and students of sociology, geography, and urban studies, as well as to policy makers.


"This collection explores some of the limits, and possibilities, of social capital perspectives for understanding entrenched urban inequalities and, more generally, the changing sociospatial landscapes of contemporary urbanism. An invaluable resource for anyone concerned with the debate on social capital, within or beyond cities."

Neil Brenner, New York University, USA



Blokland, T.V. (2006). Civic participation and social capital: Mixing networks in divers neighborhoods. In: A. Heimgartner (Ed.), Face of research on European social development: Community work, civil society and professionalisation of social work. Wien/Münster: LitVerlag, 19-29.



Blokland, T.V. (2005). Memory magic: How a working class neighborhood became an imagined community and class started to matter most when it lost. In F. Devine, M. Savage, J. Scott & R. Crompton (Eds.), Rethinking class: culture, identities and life-styles. London: Macmillan/Pagrave, 123-139.

Blokland, T.V. (2005). Goeie buren houden zich op d'r eigen: sociale relaties in de stad. Den Haag: Gradus Hendriks Stichting/LCO.


Blokland, T. V. (2004). Sociale onveiligheid als maatschappelijk probleem: Inleiding [safety as a social problem; introduction]. In: B&M: Tijdschrift voor beleid, politiek en maatschappij, 31 (3) 149-152.

Blokland, T. V. & Soenen, R. (2004). Veilig met de tram: een etnografisch perspectief op veiligheid in het openbaar vervoer [safely riding the tramcar: an ethnographic perspective on safety in public transport]. In: B&M: Tijdschrift voor beleid, politiek en maatschappij, 31 (3) 173-184.

Blokland, T.V. (2004). Buren als bruggen: De betekenis van sociaal kapitaal in een „gemengde wijk‟ in Rotterdam [Neighbors as bridges: the meaning of social capital in a „mixed‟ neighborhood in Rotterdam]. In: Sociale Wetenschappen, (47) 2: 31-48.



Blokland, T.V. (2003): Ethnic complexity: Routes to discriminatory repertoires in an inner city neighborhood, In: Ethnic and Racial Studies, 26 (1), 1-24.

Blokland, T. V. (2003). 'Goeie buren houwen zich op d'r eigen': Interetnische verhoudingen, racisme en beleid voor achterstandswijken [Good neighbors keep to themselves: interethnic relationships, racism and policy for inner city neighborhoods]. In: B&M: Tijdschrift voor beleid, politiek en maatschappij, 30 (2): 101-112.

Blokland, T.V. & Hondius, D. (2003). Integratie en racisme: Inleiding [Integration and racism: introduction]. In: B&M: Tijdschrift voor beleid, politiek en maatschappij, 30 (2): 77-79.


Blokland, T.V. (2003): Urban Bonds. Polity Press. Cambridge, Oxford, Malden.

blokland_urban_bondsWhat is the role of the neighbourhood in our understanding of community and how has this role changed over the last century? Talja Blokland seeks to answer this question in this careful ethnographic study of the changing nature of social relationships and urban communities. This outstanding and thoughtful book interweaves two rather different but parallel lines of inquiry: a detailed study of the history and current social life of an inner city neighbourhood in Rotterdam, and a general reflection on the changing character of social ties in urban areas. The book is organized around broad conceptual issues in a way that presents the empirical material within a framework that is relevant for teaching purposes. Blokland addresses key issues of community and identity and draws on a wide range of literature in urban sociology. Urban Bonds is set to become a classic in its field and will be widely used in courses on urban sociology, human geography, and ethnicity.


"This is a book of major intellectual significance. Talja Blokland succeeds in casting her case study around broader theoretical concerns that will have relevance for urban sociologists everywhere." Mike Savage, University of Manchester

"Talja Blokland has written an engaging, thoughtful and often provocative analysis of changing social life in an inner city neighbourhood." Charles Tilly, Columbia University

"This is a superb empirically grounded study of social relations, exploring important theoretical issues about space, identity and community in the context of wonderful and compelling ethnography." Richard Jenkins, University of Sheffield



Blokland, T. V. (2002). Waarom de populariteit van Putnam zorgwekkend is: Een bespreking van Putnam's benadering van sociaal kapitaal [Why Putnam's popularity is a reason to worry: a discussion of Putnam's approach to social capital]. In: B&M: Tijdschrift voor beleid, politiek en maatschappij, 29 (2): 101-109.



Blokland, T.V. (2001): Bricks, Mortar, Memories: Neighbourhood and Networks in Collective Acts of Remembering, In: International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 25 (2), 268-283.

Blokland, T. V. (2001). Woningdifferentiatie en het belang van de middenklasse: een inleiding. [Housing differentiation and the importance of the middle class: an introduction]. In: B&M: Tijdschrift voor beleid, politiek en maatschappij, 28 (1) 2-6.

Blokland, T. V. (2001). Middenklassers als middel: Het grote stedenbeleid en de betekenis van midden- en hogere inkomensgroepen voor grootstedelijk sociaal kapitaal. [Middle classes as means: the urban policy and the meaning of middle- and higher income groups for social capital in Dutch big cities]. In: B&M: Tijdschrift voor beleid, politiek en maatschappij, 28 (1): 42-53.


Andere Publikationen


Blokland, T.V. (2009). Van ogen op straat naar voor elkaar – Jacobs‘ these en sociale veiligheid. In: S. Franke & G.-J. Hospers (Eds.). De levende stad. Over de hedendaagse betekenis van Jane Jacobs. Amsterdam: Sun Trancity, 95-106.

Blokland, T.V. (2009). Sociale samenhang in de wijk. Den Haag: Nederlandse Sociologische Vereniging, Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau.


Blokland, T.V. (2008). De halve wereld achter de voordeur, het opbouwwerk op straat. In: MO-Samenlevingsopbouw, 26(215), 32-39.

Blokland, T.V. (2008). Ontmoeten doet er toe. Rotterdam: Vestia.

Wassenberg, F.A.G. & Blokland, T.V. (2008). Functiemenging en veiligheid. In: A.L. Ouwehand, R. van Kempen, R.J. Kleinhans & H.J. Visscher (Eds.), Van wijken weten. Beleid en praktijk in de stedelijke vernieuwing. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 56-67.


Blokland, T.V. (2007). Ik bemoei me nergens mee: Luisteren naar 'de bewoners' die niet participeren. In: MO-Samenlevingsopbouw, 26(212), 12-18.

Binken, S. & Blokland, T.V. (2007). 'Apen hangen, in bomen, mevrouw'. Marokkaanse hangjongeren en hun veiligheidsbeleving. In: MO-Samenlevingsopbouw, 26(3), 30-34.

Blokland, T.V. (2007). Thuis op straat. In: Aedes compact 32. Kansen voor bewoners. Een nieuwe koers voor wijkvernieuwing, 47-53.

Blokland, T.V. (2007). Zolang schoenen en klompen maar knokken. In: Rotterdams onderwijs magazine, 4, 9-10.


Blokland, T.V. (2006). Ogen op straat. In: MO-Samenlevingsopbouw, 25(211), 36-40.

Blokland, T.V. (2006). U zit te wachten tot iemand anders de problemen voor u op gaat lossen. In: MO-Samenlevingsopbouw, 24(210), 18-21.

Blokland, T.V. (2006). Valt er van de straat een thuis te maken? In: MO-Samenlevingsopbouw, 2006(6), 42-46.

Blokland, T.V. (2006). Verbinden en sociale infrastructuur. In: Hart voor Wonen, 2006(1), 8-9.

Blokland, T.V., Schillemans, T. & Verhagen, S. (2006). Waarom Gulten en Achmed Nederland verlieten en wat we daar voor integratie van kunnen leren. In: Vitale stad, 9(3), 8-9.

Blokland, T.V. (2006). Het sociaal weefsel van de stad. Den Haag: Gradus Hendriks Stichting.


Blokland, T.V. (2005). Valt er van de straat een thuis te maken? In: MO-Samenlevingsopbouw, 2005(6), 42-46.

Blokland, T.V. (2005). Terug naar de toonbankwinkel om de hoek? Functiemenging als voorwaarde voor leefbare wijken. In: MO-Samenlevingsopbouw, 24(206), 12-17.

Blokland, T.V. (2005). De buurt als identificatiekader? De teloorgang van publieke familiariteit en de gevolgen voor 'vertrouwen in de buurt' in achterstandswijken. In: MO-Samenlevingsopbouw, 24, 28-31.

Blokland, T.V. (2005). Gemengde wijk, gemengde gemeenschap. In: Stedebouw & ruimtelijke ordening, 2005(6), 11-18.


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Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Kultur-, Sozial- und Bildungswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Institut für Sozialwissenschaften
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Institut für Sozialwissenschaften
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10117 Berlin
