Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Vergleichende Demokratieforschung und die Politischen Systeme Osteuropas

Activities / Events

September 2023: The Rule of Law - Bridging or Sanctioning Differenes? Leipzig Rule of Law Conference


September 2-29, 2023, Federal Administrative Court, Simsonpl. 1, 04107, Leipzig.

Dr. Matthes acted as a panel moderator and as a speaker at the conference "The Rule of Law – Bridging or Sanctioning Differences?" organised by Saxon State Ministry of Justice and for Democracy, European Affairs and Gender Equality in Cooperation with Leipzig University and the Federal Administrative Court in September 28-29, 2023. Dr. Claudia Mathess led the discussion on "Debating Civil Society Revolt Against Rule of Law Challenges" and shared her expertise in "Judicial Activism against Rule of Law Challenges and its Effects on Defining Rule of Law Standards".





Photo Credit: Daniel Meißner

July 2023: Judges Under Pressure: Wie Polens Regierung den Rechtsstaat attackiert


July 23, 2023, Gebäude der Juristischen & Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Leibniz Universität Hannover, Königsworther Platz 1, 30167 Hannover

An insightful panel discussion was held at Leibniz Universität Hannover. The film "Judges under Pressure" was screened. The discussion concerning the developments in Poland was then continued by Dr. Claudia Matthes, Dr. Anna-Lena Hollo, and Dr. Philipp Köker.


Judges under Pressure: "In June 2023, the European Court of Justice rules that the so-called "judicial reform" in Poland violates EU law. The government has been systematically trying to undermine the rule of law. The documentary "Judges under Pressure" impressively shows how Polish judges risk their freedom in the fight for an independent judiciary and civil rights risk their freedom."


Judges under pressure_3 Juli 2023_18-20 Uhr.png


June 2023: Europa und seine Zukunft – Impulse aus politischer Bildungsarbeit sowie der Konferenz zur Zukunft Europas

June 20, 2023, Jean-Monnet-Auditorium, Mauerstr. 83/84, 10117 Berlin

This conference, held in German, addressed students of the social and educational sciences. It was jointly organised with Deutsche Gesellschaft e.V., registered association for the promotion of political, cultural and social relations in Europe. Two experts from Deutsche Gesellschaft introduced their didactical concepts and tools on how they teach the European Union in schools. In an interactive discussion with the students, they shared their successful experiences, their challenges and how they manage to overcome the latter when debating with Eurosceptic audiences. The students also received many valuable insights on the field of political education as a potential future field of employment and professional development.

In the second half of the conference, Mr. Georg Pfeiffer, Head of the European Parliament’s Liaison Office in Berlin, provided an input. He talked about the Conference on the Future of Europe, its results and ongoing impulses for reforms, but also about the shortcomings of this process. Following up on that, Mr. Pfeiffer introduced the EP’s campaign for the upcoming elections and the initiatives unfolded to stimulate an increase of turnout. 

At the end of the event, students had the occasion to chat informally with the speakers and to learn more about the two institutions and their objectives.



14:00 - 14:05    Dr. Claudia Matthes, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Einführung und Eröffnung.

14:05 – 16:00    Sebastian Rösner & Dr. Lukas Zidella, Deutsche Gesellschaft e. V- Die EU in der politischen Bildungsarbeit und Einblicke in die europapolitischen Vermittlungsangebote der Deutschen Gesellschaft.


16:15 – 17:30    Georg Pfeiffer, Vertretung des Europäischen Parlaments in Berlin - Die Konferenz zur Zukunft Europas und die Europawahlen 2024.

17:30 – 18:00    Ausklang und Möglichkeiten zum informellen Gespräch.


Deutsche Gesellschaft e. V.


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June 2023: Brussels-Lux Study Tour, 18-24 June 2023


For the educators' study tour of the University of North Carolina's Jean Monnet Center of Excellence, Dr. Claudia Matthes provided an introduction to the European Union on June 18. She talked about the EU's history and current institutional features as a preparation for the site visits in Brussels and Luxemburg. In addition to her presentation, she provided the teachers with information on several hot topics and current events debated in the news between June 19-23 so that they were well prepared for their guest speakers and for posing questions to them.



























June 2022: EU4 Law Town Hall Conference - Cities and the Rule of Law

June 29, 2022, Red Town Hall, Louise-Schroeder-Saal, Rathausstr. 15, 10178 Berlin 
in cooperation between the Berlin Senate Chancellery and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

The debate on the shortcomings of the rule of law and the curtailment of judicial independence is often portrayed as a cause of disagreement between EU institutions and member state governments. While many citizens perceive this as an abstract debate that is detached from their everyday lives, in fact, the opposite is true. Local self-government is impacted, too, and this has direct consequences for the administrations’ ability to provide public services. One response, e.g. from mayors across Europe, was their letter to the European Commission that the EU should redirect their funds directly to the local level.

The EU4Law Town Hall Conference brought together practitioners from public administration, civil society actors and academics from Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Berlin, along with the wider public as the recipients of public services. The dialogue between these diverse participants, who otherwise have little contact, provided a comprehensive and comparative understanding of the problem. The aim was to discuss not only the relevance of the rule of law for the local level, but also to exchange experience and to discuss what needs to be done in the future, e.g. through civic education. In addition, this conference explored how the EU and the local level can connect in a more direct and effective way.

The participants shared the understanding that without the rule of law, transparency and reliability of administrative procedures as well as sufficient revenues and self-government capacities, cities cannot function properly and citizens lose confidence in their administration. They also stressed that there are strong signs of hope: Many cities are sources of resistance and vibrant democratic communities. Their networking among each other and especially the “Pact of Free Cities” help them to retrieve their scope of action. Talks with the EU Commission about redirecting financial means directly to the local level are going on, even though member states are not too eager to share their budgets. As the most important outcome, the conference found: City diplomacy has become extremely relevant and intense. Cities have turned into important agents of democratic resilience.


14:00 – 14:10 Ms. Ana-Maria Trăsnea, State of Berlin Delegate to the Federation, Permanent     Secretary  for Active Citizenship, Democracy Support and International Relations – Welcoming Address

14:10 – 14:15 Dr. Claudia Matthes, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (EU4Law Project) – Opening Remarks

14:15 – 14:45 Mr. Roman Szełemej, Mayor of Wałbrzych (Poland) – Keynote Speech on the Meaning of Rule of Law for Local Administrations

14:45 – 15:30 Session 1: Rule of Law, Finances and Local Budgets, opening inputs from Ms. Borbála Korsós, Deputy Mayor of the I. District of Budapest and Mr. Olaf Osica, Head of the Strategy and Analysis Office of City of Warsaw Office

15:30 – 16:15 Session 2: Judicial Systems and Their Relevance for Public Administration, opening input from Dr. Gülçin Coşkun, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

16:30 – 17:15 Session 3: Strengthening the Rule of Law through Civic Education, opening inputs from Prof. Aldona Wiktorska-Święcka, University of Wrocław and Ms. Annegret Wulff, Managing Director of MitOst

17:15 – 18:00 Session 4: Local Administration in Collaboration with the EU, opening input from Dr. Benedek Jávor, Head of Representation of the City of Budapest in Brussels

18:00 – 18:10 Final Remarks by Dr. Claudia Matthes






March and May 2022: Joint Activity with the UNC Jean Monnet Center of Excellence

Multilevel Governance and Federal Politics in Comparison - Transatlantic Excursion


In the winter term of 2021/22 and the summer term of 2022, a joint seminar was conducted by the Jean Monnet Center of Excellence of the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill and Humboldt University of Berlin, followed by two excursions to Chapel Hill and Berlin.

Dr. Dominic Nyhuis and Dr. Claudia Matthes connected their seminars called "European Multilevel Governance" (UNC) and "Germany - a Federal System in Europe" (HU) to an interactive collaboration allowing students of both universities to work on common projects. The students researched current transatlantic issues from different perspectives, especially with regard to multilevel governance and federalism. Their topics covered the mitigation of the COVID-19 pandemic, political polarization, public education and civil rights, migration and diversity as well as local economies in federalist states.

Five digital seminars were then followed by two five-day visits conducted in spring 2022.  In March, ten HU-students and Dr. Matthes visited Chapel Hill and in May, ten UNC students and Dr. Nyhuis traveled to Berlin. In addition to the work on their projects, the students visited several political and cultural institutions and were thus able to get a better understanding of the working and implications of federalist structures in both, the US and Germany.

The student projects are published here.









Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Kultur-, Sozial- und Bildungswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Institut für Sozialwissenschaften
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin



Institut für Sozialwissenschaften
Universitätsstraße 3b
10117 Berlin
