Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Department of Social Sciences

GeT MA Alumni Network

The GeT MA Alumni Network was founded in 2023 as a voluntary initiative by and for alumni of the GeT MA program. It works independently from the GeT MA administration offices at HU Berlin and METU Ankara. The aim of the GeT MA Alumni Network is to establish a platform to encourage and promote exchange among GeT MA alumni. We organize activities, such as local meet-ups, support the GeT MA office in the planning of alumni conferences, and assist students with questions around the study program.

The GeT MA Alumni Steering Committee (SC) was created to facilitate decision-making within the alumni network and to represent its interests externally. Spokespersons for the current SC term 2023-24 are Özge Meral and Alvina Umatova (both alumni from 2017-2019).

SC members are:

Merve Büyükçakıroğlu (2012-2014), Carolin Bannorth (2011-2013), Ali Doğan (2015-2017), William Harrie (2017-2019), Maximiliane Schneider (2017-2019), Lisa Schwitalla (2015-2017), Jan Taşçı (2010-2012).

The GeT MA Alumni SC can be contacted at:

The GeT MA Alumni Network is open to all alumni. If you are a GeT MA alumni and want to join our
network, please email us with your mobile number so we can add you to our WhatsApp group.