Transcript of Records
At the end of a period of study abroad at the Humboldt-Universität the Erasmus coordination issues a Transcript of Records (ToR), which certifies the courses of study and lists all attended courses, along with the grades and number of ECTS achieved. The ToR is then sent to the student’s home university. If the course of study abroad covers two semesters, a separate transcript must be issued at the end of both semesters.
In order to have a ToR issued, the following steps are required:
1. First the student should fill all of the courses attended during their course of study in Berlin in an empty Transcript Formula (available here to download) and send it by email to The transcript will be sent out per email, if possible also to your home university.
2. Because all of the credit certificates (Scheine) are required to issue a transcript, students must independently ensure that the Department has these. Some course leaders send the originals directly to the Department, some send them to the student. If a course that was previously marked on the transcript was not completed then this must also be communicated, in order that the course can be deleted from the ToR.
Students may hand credit certificates in also by email.
BA & MA Social Sciences: Credit Certificate (Schein)
The transcript will only be finalised, signed by Dr. Matthes and sent off to the home university once the ToR formula and all credit certificates have been completed and handed in.
Students should send in the ToR as early as practicable (for example, in the middle of the semester), followed by the credit certificates!
Students should bear in mind that the deadline for handing in term papers is usually the 30.04 for the winter semester and 30.09 for the summer semester. Once the deadlines have passed, course leaders will begin to read and grade the seminar papers and then issue credit certificates (Scheine). This can take some time. If a student’s home university requires them to hand in their ToR before they leave Berlin, they must hand in their term papers early and request accelerated marking from their course leaders.