International Masters Programs
The International Masters Team manages and advises on the international masters programmes at the Department of Social Sciences. Here you can find a short description of the individual programs, along with further links:
GET MA – German Turkish Masters Program in Social Sciences
GET MA runs over four semesters in which participants spend one year studying at the Middle East Technical University in Ankara and one year at the Humboldt-Universität in Berlin, immersing themselves in social scientific topics from German and Turkish perspectives.
The Euromasters and TransAtlantic Masters Programs
Participants of the Euromasters and TransAtlantic Masters Programs spend four semesters at different universities within the EU and the United States of America, immersing themselves in social scientific topics from European and transatlantic perspectives.
TransAtlantic Masters…
MA RTP – MA Research Training Program
The MA RTP serves as a two-semester long course of preparation for a PhD program in the social sciences at a German university.
MEGA – Master of European Government and Administration
MEGA is a German-French masters program aimed explicitly at junior managers and future executives in public affairs and private industry, in order to prepare them for the challenges of European administrative cooperation.