Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Vergleichende Demokratieforschung und die Politischen Systeme Osteuropas

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zeynep Kıvılcım

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zeynep Kıvılcım
Einstein Fellow
zeynep.kivilcim (at)

Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin


Inter-University Council of Turkey, Habilitation in Public International Law
Université Panthéon-Assas (Paris II), Ph D. in Public International Law
Université Pathéon-Assas (Paris II), Master of Arts Programma in Public International Law
Sorbonne Language Education Programme (Paris)
Attorney Apprenticeship, Bar of Ankara
Faculty of Law, Ankara University

Beruflicher Werdegang

Oktober 2018 - bis heute
Einstein Foundation Senior Scholar
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
September 2017 - Juli 2018
Fellow bei dem Berlin Institute for Advanced Studies
Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin
Januar 2017 bis Oktober 2017
Gastprofessorin an der Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen (Institut für Ethnologie und Ethnologische Sammlungen) und der Universität Osnabrück (Institut für Migrationsforschung und interkulturelle Studien)
Gelehrte MA Veranstaltungen: "Gendering Syrian Refugee Crisis", "Gender and Refugee Rights" und "Forced Displacement and Gendered Justice"
April 2017 bis Juli 2017
Visiting Researcher und Dozentin an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Lehrbereich: Diversity and Social Conflict
Gelehrte BA Veranstaltungen: "Gendering Syrian Refugee Crisis".
Mitarbeit in Ausarbeitung und Lehre der Kosmos Summer School, Projekt "Constitutive Powers of Migration"
2012 bis 2016
Assoziierte Professorin, Istanbul University, Faculty of Political Sciences, Public International Law
Gelehrte BA Veranstaltungen:
Public International Law, Human Rights, International Tribunals, Disputed Issues in Public International Law, Gendering Syrian Refugee CrisisGraduate courses: Law and Gender, Critical Approaches to International Law, Human Rights and Politics, Turkey and International Human Rights Norms, Gender and Refugee Rights.
2005 bis 2012
Assist. Prof, Istanbul University Faculty of Political Sciences, Public International Law
Gelehrte BA Kurse: Public International Law, Human Rights, International Tribunals,Graduate courses: Human Rights and Politics, Turkey and International Human Rights Norms.
2000 bis 2005
Research Assistant, Istanbul University, Faculty of Political Sciences, Public International Law
UNESCO Post Doc Fellow at UNESCO Headquarters (Paris, France) and Fribourg University (Switzerland).
Research on Bioethics and International Human Rights Law
1997 bis 2000
Research Assistant, Adnan Menderes University Faculty of Economical and Administrative Sciences



  1. A Gendered Approach to the Syrian Refugee Crisis, (co-editor with Jane Freedman and Nurcan Özgür Baklacıoğlu), Routledge, 2017.
  2. Sürgünde Toplumsal Cinsiyet: İstanbul’da Suriyeli Kadın ve LGBTI Mülteciler (Gender and Exile: Female and LGBTI Syrian Refugees in Istanbul), (Co-author with Nurcan Özgür Baklacıoğlu), Derin Yayınları, İstanbul, 2015.
  3. Üniversitelerde Disiplin Soruşturmaları: Öğrencilerin İfade ve Örgütlenme Özgürlüğü” (Students' freedom of expression and assembly: Disciplinary investigations in the universities), (Co-author with Kurt G., Dinçer H., Demir Gürsel E, Molu B), XII Levha Yayıncılık, İstanbul, 2013.
  4. Uluslararası Kamu Hukukunda İnsanlığın Ortak Mirası (Common Heritage of Humankind in Public International Law), On İki Levha Yayıncılık, İstanbul, 2010.


Artikel und Buchkapitel


  1. “La démocratie radicale dans les discours légaux contemporains au Rojava au cœur de la ‘crise’ Syrienne : Une analyse genrée”, in, How International Law Works in Times of Crisis, Ineta Ziemele and George Ulrich Eds., European Society of International Law Series, Oxford University Press, September 2019.
  2. “Migration Crises in Turkey”, in Oxford Handbook of Migration Crisis, Cecilia Menjivar, Marie Ruiz and Immanuel Ness Eds., Oxford University Press, Oxford University Press, 2019, p.427-444.
  3. “Gendering the State of Emergency Regime in Turkey”, in Transformations of Gender Regime in Turkey, Les Cahiers du Centre d’Enseignement, d’Education, de Documentation et de Recherches pour les Etudes Feministes (CEDREF) Ed. Azadeh Kian and Buket Türkmen, 2018, p.94-109.
  4. Das Geschlecht des türkischen Ausnahmezustands" in Nach dem Putsch: 16 Anmerkungen zur »neuen« Türkei, Ilker Ataç, Michael Fanizadeh, Volkan Ağar, VIDC (Hg.), Mandelbaum Verlag, 2018, p.192-203.
  5.  “Articulating Human Rights Discourse in Local Struggles in the Neoliberal Age” in The Politics of Legality in a Neoliberal Age, Ben Golder and Daniel McLoughlin Eds, Routledge, 2018, p. 184-205.
  6. Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transsexual (LGBT) Syrian Refugees in Turkey, in A Gendered Approach to the Syrian Refugee Crisis, Freedman J., Kıvılcım Z., Özgür Baklacıoğlu N., Ed., Routledge, 2017, p.26-41
  7. “Legal Violence against Syrian Female Refugees”, Feminist Legal Studies, 2016, Vol.24, p.193-214.
  8. “Yabancılar ve Uluslararası Koruma Kanunu ile Geçici Koruma Yönetmeliği: Toplumsal Cinsiyet Perspektifiyle bir Değerlendirme” (The Law on Foreigners and International Protection and the Temporary Protection Regulation: An Analysis with Gender Perspective), Journal of Ankara University Faculty of Political Sciences-Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 2016, Vol. 71, No: 3, p. 919 – 940.
  9. "Evrensellik, Hegemonya ve İnsan Hakları" (Universality, Hegemony and Human Rights), in Liberal Hakların, Hukukun ve Devletin Sınırları, Erdağı B., Ed., Nota Bene Yayınevi, İstanbul, 2015, p.85-104.
  10. "Küresel İktidarı Kuran ve Koruyan Şiddetin İdarecisi olarak Birleşmiş Milletler Güvenlik Konseyi” (UN Security Council as the Administrator of the Founding and Preserving Violence for the Global Power), İstanbul Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Mecmuası, 2014, Volume 72, p.201-218,
  11. “Human Rights, Asylum and Migration in Turkey”, in Building “Fortress Turkey” at the Southeastern Borders of the EU, N. O. Baklacioglu ve Y. Özer, Eds., The Edwin Mellen Press, New York, 2014, p.127-163.
  12. “The Legal Framework for Agro-Biotechnology in Turkey: The Challenges to the Implementation of the Precautionary Principle”, in Rethinking Structural Reform in Turkish Agriculture: Beyond the World Bank's Strategy (Ed. Fikret Adaman, Gokhan Ozertan, Baris Karapinar), Nova Publishers, 2010, p.265-280.
  13. “Ulus-Aşırı Şirketler ve İnsan Hakları: Bakü-Tiflis-Ceyhan Boru Hattı Örneği” (Transnational Corporations and Human Rights: The Case of Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Pipeline Project), Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 2010, No: 65(3), p.87-122.
  14. “İnsan Hakları ve Karşı Hegemonya” (Human Rights and Counter-Hegemony), Gazi Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, Vol. XIII, 2009, No: 1-2, p.217-240.
  15. “Hitaasti Ja Horjuen: Ihmisoikeuksien Vaikea Taival” (Slowly and staggering: The Difficult Journey of Human Rights), Turkki Euroopan Rajalla? (Turkey at the Fringe of Europe), (Eds. Anu Leinonen, Tuula Kojo, Mervi Nousiainen, Sampsa Peltonen, Lauri Tainio), Gaudeamus Helsinki University Press, Helsinki 2007, p.297-318.
  16.  “Community Regulation of Genetically Modified Organisms: A Difficult Relationship Between Law and Science”, European Law Journal, Vol.10, No.5, September 2004, p.580-594.
  17.  “Eugénisme et ses diverses formes”, Revue trimestrielle des droits de l’homme, 14ème année, No:54 (Numéro spécial: Progrès scientifiques ou techniques et droits de l’homme), Avril 2003, p.515-535.


Ausgewählte Präsentationen (Aus den letzten fünf Jahren)


  1. “Exiled Academics, Precarious Labour and Lack of Diversity in German Higher Education System Finding Common Solutions: Precarious Labour and the Lack of Diversity in German Higher Education”, Joint Workshop of GEW Hessen and Academics for Peace Germany in Collaboration with the Department of Sociology, 24-25 May 2019. Goethe University Frankfurt. 24 – 25 May 2019, Frankfurt am Main
  2. "Postcolonial encounters: The limits of feminist solidarities in the context of migration", Keynote Speech, Feminist solidarities in the context of flight and migration, Panel organized by Research Center for Gender Studies at University Osnabrück, 25 January 2019.
  3. "Migrant crisis" as the historical moment of Europe's "racial crisis", Workshop “Antidemokratische Konservative. Feinde einer offenen, solidarischen und gleichberechtigten Gesellschaft”, 30. November- 2 December 2018, Hamburg.
  4. "Gender and the Legality of the Postcolonial Politics of Borders", Roundtable 'Gender and Sexuality in the Politics of Borders', 10th European Feminist Research Conference, 12.-15. September 2018.
  5. “EU-Turkey Refugee Deal and the Changing Paradigms of Refugee Law”, Lecture at Potsdam University, Centre for Citizenship, Social Pluralism and Religious Diversity, 31 May 2018.
  6. “Legal Strategies against Authoritarian Rule in Turkey”, Workshop on Authoritarianism and Resistance in Turkey Universität Kassel, International Center for Development and Decent Work, 12-13 May 2018.
  7. “La lutte des femmes de la Turquie pour la paix et le droit international” Co-authored paper with Hülya Dinçer at the European Society of International Law Annual Conference ‘Global Public Goods, Global Commons and Fundamental Values: The Responses of International Law', Naples-Italy, 6 September 2017.
  8. “Human Rights Problem in Turkey”, “Kritische Türkeistudien Öffentliche Ringvorlesung”, Institut für Turkistik, Duisburg-Essen University, 12 July 2017, Essen.
  9. “Academic Freedom Under Threat – The Case of Turkey”, Panel Discussion at Amsterdam University Amsterdam Institute for Humanities Research (AIHR), 30 May 2017.
  10. “Struggle for Autonomy and Democracy - the Kurdish Movement in Turkey”, Open lecture on Contemporary Turkey: Solidarity and Resistance, Alice Salomon Hochschule, Berlin, 23 May 2017.
  11. "Turquie : Journalistes et universitaires sous l’Etat d’urgence", Presentation at the Conference Débat, Sciences Po Aix, France, 9 May 2017.
  12. “Gendering the Emergency Regime in Turkey” presentation at Journée d'étude “Les transformations du régime du genre en Turquie Transformations of Gender Regime in Turkey”, Université Paris7-Diderot, 24 March 2017.
  13. “'Vulnerable' refugees and 'vulnerable' borders: Refugee law and vulnerability”, Keynote speech at the Workshop Gender Migration Border: the concept of vulnerability and its pitfalls in border regime & gender studies, Göttingen University KAEE, 3-4 March 2017.
  14.  “Law as a strategic instrument of political resistance of academics”, Presentation at the panel discussion on Politically Engaged Academia: Solidarity with the Academics for Peace in Turkey and Germany, Adam-von-Trott Saal, Georg-August-Universität-Göttingen, 10 February 2017.
  15. “A Critical Approach to the EU-Turkey Deal”, Workshop of the Kritnet-working group on Turkey: Local and national governance of migration within the context of “Refugee Crisis” from Turkish and German Perspectives, 18-19 February 2017, Göttingen.
  16. “La démocratie radicale dans les discours légaux contemporains au Rojava au coeur de la «crise» Syrienne: Une analyse genrée”, European Society of International Law Annual Conference 'How International Law Works in Times of Crisis?', 8-10 September 2016, Riga.
  17.  “Les femmes syriennes et les LGBTI réfugié-e-s en Turquie”.  Journée d'études ‘Genre, violences de guerre et résistances dans les conflits actuels du Moyen-Orient’ University Paris 8, 15 April 2016
  18. “Out-of-camp Syrian Women and LGBTI refugees in Turkey: amid legal blindness and structural violence”, ECAS 6th European Conference on African Studies, Paris, 8-10 July 2015.
  19. "Out-Of-Camp Syrian Women and LGBTI Refugees: Exploring The Gendered Nature Of Turkey’s New Immigration Law", Law and Society 2015 Annual Meeting: Law’s Promise and Law's Pathos in the Global North and Global South, Seattle, USA, 28-31 May 2015.
  20. "Syrian Women and LGBTI Refugees in Istanbul: Legal and Structural Violence", Women and War Conference: Upholding Gendered Peace at a Time of War Academics and Activists Speak Out on the Shifting Places of Women in the Arab World, Beirut, Lebanon, 8-11 June 2015.
  21. “The legal framework that sets the basis for the protection of Syrian refugees’ right to health”, Panel: "Prioritizing Women - Adapting Refugee Health Services for 21st Century Health Challenges", Columbia Global Centers, Istanbul, 7 March 2015.
  22. “Articulating Human Rights Discourse in Local Struggles in a Neoliberal Age”, The Politics of Legality in a Neoliberal Age Conference, 1-2 August 2014, University of NSW, Sydney.
  23. “Legal Framework for the Protection of Out of Camp Syrian Refugees in Turkey”, 15th International Conference for the Study of Forced Migration, 15-19 July 2014, Bogota, Colombia.
  24. “NGOs Contribution to UN Human Rights Review Procedures: Turkey's Women NGOs Shadow Reporting to CEDAW Committee”, International Conference “Human Rights Protection: Institutes and Practices”, Joint Conference by International Political Science Association (IPSA) Human Rights Research Committee and Russian Political Science Association, St. Petersburg, June 13-14, 2013.
  25. “Societal Understandings and Political Instrumentalisation of Legal Concepts: “Right to Water” in Local Mobilization against Private Hydroelectric Power Plants in Turkey”, Law & Society Annual Meeting, Boston, 30 May-2 June 2013.
  26.  “The Right to Asylum in Transit: The role of the ECHR and the EU in promoting protection at the Aegean Border of the EU” (co-authored with Nurcan Özgür Baklacıoğlu), The 13th Conference of the International Association for the Study of Forced Migration, 3-6 July 2011, Kampala (Uganda)
  27. “Role of Public International Law for Reordering North-South Relations in the Era of Globalization”, Whatever Happened to North-South? (ECPR-IPSA Joint Conference), 16-19 February 2011, Sao Paolo (Brazil).


Gelehrte Kurse

  • Undergradute: Public International Law, Human Rights, International Tribunals, Gendering Syrian Refugee 'Crisis', Disputed Issues in Public International Law
  • Graduate: Law and Gender, Critical Approaches to International Law, Forced displacement and gendered justice, Gender and Refugee Rights, Human Rights and Politics, Turkey and International Human Rights Norms




  1. Institute for Advanced Study Berlin (Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin) Fellowship for Research (2017-2018)
  2. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Post Doc Fellowship (2003)
  3. Turkish Ministry of National Education Grant for Graduate Studies Abroad (1995-1996)




  1. Researcher Kosmos Summer School Project on “Constitutive Powers of Migration”, Humboldt University zu Berlin, Start Date: March 2017 Duration: 4 Months.
  2. Manager and Team Leader in the Project “Gender in Exile” International Academic Research Project founded by Istanbul University Scientific Research Projects Department (Research Project no: 52068), Start Date: March 2015   Duration: 25 Months
  3. Researcher in the Project “Syrian Woman and LGBTI Refugees in Turkey”, Founded by Raoul Wallenberg Institute (Sweden) Human Rights Research Grant (Projet no: G006-14) Start date: May 2014 Duration: 6 months.




Türkisch (Muttersprache)

Französisch (Fließend)

Englisch (Fließend)

Deutsch (Anfängerlevel)





Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Kultur-, Sozial- und Bildungswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Institut für Sozialwissenschaften
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin



Institut für Sozialwissenschaften
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10117 Berlin
