Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Vergleichende Demokratieforschung und die Politischen Systeme Osteuropas

Dr. Zeynep Yanasmayan

Dr. Zeynep Yanasmayan
zeynep.yanasmayan (at)

Funktion / Sachgebiet
Forschungswerkstatt: Verfassungspolitik in der Türkei
Universitätsstraße 3b , Raum 411
0049 (30) 2093-4552


Research and Teaching Interests:

Migration, Citizenship, Religion, Governance of Diversity,
Constitutional Politics


Research Experience:

2014-2015 Chair of Comparative Politics, European University Viadrina,
Postdoctoral Researcher and Project Coordinator "God and Caesar in Motion"
2013-2014 Max Planck Institute for the Study of Ethnic and Religious
Diversity, Postdoctoral Researcher
2012-2013 KU Leuven, Scientific Research Manager for the FP7 project RELIGARE.
2008-2013 KU Leuven, PhD Researcher.



2013 PhD in Social Sciences, KU Leuven
2007 MscEcon in Security and Citizenship, Aberystwyth University
2005 MA in European Studies, Free University of Brussels (ULB)
2004 BA in Political Science and International Relations, Bogazici




Foblets. M.C., Alidadi, K., Nielsen, J. and Z. Yanasmayan (ed.) 2014.
Belief, Law and Politics: What Future for Secular Europe? Aldershot: Ashgate.

Journal Articles

Yanasmayan, Z. 2016. "Does education ‘trump’ nationality? Boundary-drawing practices among highly educated migrants from Turkey". Ethnic and Racial Studies, 39 (11): 2041-2059

Yanasmayan, Z. 2015. "Citizenship on paper or at heart? Closer
look into the dual citizenship debate in Europe."
Citizenship Studies, 19 (6-7): 785-801.

Yanasmayan, Z. 2010. “Role of Turkish Islamic Organizations in Belgium:
An Inquiry into the Strategies of TIFB and IFB”, Insight Turkey, 12 (1),

Chapters in Edited Volumes

Yanasmayan, Z. 2014. “Further stay or return? Insights from the highly
educated Turkish migrants in Amsterdam, Barcelona and London”, in L.
Meier (eds.) Migrant Professionals in the City Local Encounters,
Identities, and Inequalities, Routledge.

Yanasmayan, Z., Foblets, M.C. 2012. “Pros and cons of compulsory
‘inburgering’: Mapping theviews of newcomers in Flanders and in
Brussels”, in Y. Pascoau and T. Strik (eds.) Which Integration Policies
for Migrants? Interaction between the EU and its Member States,
Nijmegen: Wolf Legal Publishers.

Yanasmayan, Z. 2011. “Concepts of Multiculturalism and Assimilation”, in
M. Emerson (eds.) Interculturalism: Emerging Societal Models for Europe
and its Muslims , Brussels: CEPS.

Koutroubas, T., Rihoux, B., Vloeberghs, W., Yanasmayan, Z. 2011. “The
Complex Community Mosaic in Belgium”, in M. Emerson (eds.)
Interculturalism: Emerging Societal Models for Europe and its Muslims,
Brussels: CEPS.

Foblets, M-C., Yanasmayan, Z. 2010. “Language and integration
requirements in Belgium: Discordances between the Flemish policy of
‘inburgering’ and the federal legislators’ view(s) on integration of
newcomers and migrants”, in E. Ersboll, D. Kostakopoulou and R. Van Oers
(eds.) A Re-definition of Belonging? Language and Integration Tests in
Europe, Leiden: Brill.

Yanasmayan, Z. 2009. “European Citizenship: A Tool for Integration?” in
E. Guild, K. Groenendijk and S. Carrera (eds.) Illiberal Liberal States:
Immigration, Citizenship and Integration in the EU, Aldershot: Ashgate.

Koutroubas, T., Vloeberghs, W., Yanasmayan, Z. 2009. “Political,
Religious and Ethnic Radicalisation among Muslims in Belgium”, in M.
Emerson (eds.) Ethno-Religious Conflict In Europe Typologies of
Radicalisation In Europe’s Muslim Communities, Brussels: CEPS.


Seminar Presentations (Selected)


“God and Caesar in Motion. Boundary Shifts between Religion and Politics in Europe”, Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA), Diversities Reconsidered, San Francisco, 2-6th September 2015.

“Is Europeanization in Turkey alive and kicking? Mobilization of European Human Rights Discourse in the Constitution-Writing”, 22nd International Conference of Europeanists, Contradictions: Envisioning European Futures, Paris, 8-10th July 2015.

“Does education trump nationality? The case of highly educated Turkish migrants in Europe”, MiReKoc 10th Year Symposium Borders, Mobility, Diversity: Old Questions, New Challenges, Istanbul, 20-21st November 2014.

Panel Convener and Chair “Highly- skilled Turkish migrants and second generation in Europe” in the Conference "Turkish Migration in Europe: Projecting the next 50 years”, London, 7-9th December 2012.

“Distance is a state of mind”: Imagined presence and movement of highly skilled Turkish migrants in Europe, in the Conference "Turkish Migration in Europe: Projecting the next 50 years" London, 7- 9th December 2012.

“Ailleurs commence ici: Migration decisions of highly educated Turkish migrants”, in the Highly Skilled Migration into the 21st Century Conference, Middlesex University, London, 24-25th May 2012.

“Ailleurs commence ici: Migration decisions of highly educated Turkish migrants” in the session Migration of Professionals and the City, Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers (AAG), New York, USA, 24-28th February 2012.

“The Complex Community Mosaic in Belgium”. Paper presented during the book launch of M. Emerson (eds.) Interculturalism: Emerging Societal Models for Europe and its Muslims , CEPS, Brussels, 17th October 2011.

Organization of the Roundtable “Pros and Cons of Inburgering Policy”, presentation of the paper findings “Pros and cons of compulsory ‘inburgering’: Mapping the views of newcomers in Flanders and in Brussels”, KU Leuven, Leuven, 25th March 2011.

“Citizenship policies vs. majority group youth’s policy preferences and citizenship representations: Are national politics in line with public opinion?”, 3rd ECPR Graduate Conference, Dublin City University, Dublin, 30th August 2010.

Chair of the Panel “Citizenship and Migrant Political Participation” under the section on Globalisation, Migration and Citizenship, 3rd ECPR Graduate Conference, Dublin City University, Dublin, 30th August 2010.




Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
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Institut für Sozialwissenschaften
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10099 Berlin



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10117 Berlin
