Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Department of Social Sciences


The GET MA program helps students to enrich their academic experience by providing them with the opportunity to undertake a 3-month internship during the summer break before the second year.

Thereby, students gain valuable insight into the professional life in Germany, Türkiye or abroad. After completion of their internship, students draw up a internship report which firstly helps them to reflect their experiences and secondly gives future students an insight look into the internship organisation.

If you plan to do an internship abroad, there are several funding options: Once you are enrolled at Humboldt University you have the opportunity to apply for a Erasmus+ or PROMOS scholarships. Further information on Erasmus+ and PROMOS.

In the section "Job search" you can find a lot of helpful links in order to find a suitable internship.

Former GET MA-students have successfully completed interships in various fields such as:

Academic Management and Research

Arts and Culture

Business and Management

Charity and Social Service


Development Cooperation

Government and Politics

International Organisations

Journalism and Publishing

Language Teaching and Translation

Non-Governmental Organisations

Private Think Tanks and Research Institutes

Umbrella Organisations