Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Department of Social Sciences

Erasmus Team

Erasmus Coordinator


Dr. Claudia-Y. Matthes

Tel.: +49 30 2093 66544

Office: Universitätsstraße 3b, room 307


Office hours: Dienstag 10 - 12 Uhr 


Currently they are held in Dorotheenstr. 26, room 414!




Student Assistant Erasmus


Max Resch

Tel.: +49 30 2093 66559

Room: Universitätsstr. 3b, Raum 304 (student office)


Office hours: Wednesday, 2 - 4 PM or with an appointment


 Due to the institute's closure, the office hours take place in Dorotheenstraße 26, room 414!