Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Department of Social Sciences

PC Pools

Opening hours





PC Pool I is located in Room 217 and, as long as no teaching is taking place, is available for use by all members of the university. 

Technical Equipment:

  • Local PC Network, Windows 7
  • Connection to the University Network with access to all internet services
  • 20 PC workstations
  • 1 scanner workstation, with a colour scanner
  • 1 postscript-compatible laser printer with duplex mode


PC Pool II is in Room 203 and can also be used during the opening times, linked above.

Technical Equipment: 

  • Local PC Network, Windows 7
  • Connection to the University Network with access to all internet services
  • 12 PC workstations



  • Stata 16 SE
  • SPSS 
  • R / RStudio
  • MPlus 8 (5x)

Employees of the Department of Social Sciences can book the PC Pools for teaching by contacting Markus Schrenker. Requests to use the PC Pools should be made as soon as practicable, and must be made, at the latest, one week before the start of the semester.


User Regulations

Both the User Regulations for the PC Pools and the Computer Centre User Regulations apply.
Smoking, eating and drinking are prohibited in the PC Pool rooms. 
No dogs in the PC Pool rooms.
If you leave your workstation for more than fifteen minutes, it will be given to the next person on the waiting list.
USB sticks must be checked for viruses before being used with PC Pool computers.
Please follow all instructions from PC Pool personnel. 
All available software is subject to copyright regulations. It may not be copied, shared or used for commercial purposes. Programs or documents created with this software must exclusively be used for teaching, research, study or further education and training purposes. Software that is not provided by the university in the PC Pool may only be used if the user has an appropriate license and permission from the Head of the PC Pool. Permission to use your own software may be withheld due to logistical or any other reasons.