Family Room (Room 119)
The family room in the Department of Social Sciences is located on the first floor in room 119 (Uni 3b) with direct access to the lift and sanitation facilities. The family room can be used by staff and students, as well as guests of the Department of Social Sciences (ISW), who have children.
The Room offers
- A place for childcare
- A workspace with PC and telephone
- Quiet space for breastfeeding
- Baby changing table
- Children’s cots
- Toys for children
- Close range projector with VGA & HDMI connection and PA system
- Control of the media technology is permanently installed on the wall.
- Control of the media technology is located on the multimedia rack.
- Microphone system available
- The room key is required for use of the controls and the projector.
- Portable projector is available from the Departmental Office.
- Pull-down screen
- Control of the media technology is permanently installed on the wall near to the projector, where an additional VGA cable is also available.
- Pull-down screen is available, for which the controls are located near the screen and permanently installed on the wall.
- Projector and sound system permanently installed
- PC with connection to the SOWI domains, local user accounts available
- Samsung Digital Presenter
We have set up a Moodle course called “Search for childcare in the family room in ISW”, which is intended to help students and staff organise care for their children on location during office hours, exams etc.. Please contact us in order to obtain the course key. A notice is also displayed on the door of the family room.
Information about further childcare options such as Kids-Mobil or conference childcare is available on the webpages of the Family Support Centre of HU Berlin.
Family Café
In past years, we have organised a family lunch with children and/or university members with care responsibilities once or twice per semester.
Contact person
The Women's* Representative of the Department of Social Sciences & the the representative of those Mail to:
Tugba Yalcinkaya representative (commissarial)
Postal address:
- The key card can be borrowed from any administrative secretary in the Department in exchange for a student card or 10 Euro deposit.
- Staff can have their key cards activated for the family room on request during the period of their employment in the Department of Social Sciences.
- Students who are parents can borrow a key card for the duration of a semester.
- Requests should be made to the above-mentioned contact person.