Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - DYNAMICS

Francesco Raffaelli

francesco_picture_resized.jpgDoctoral Researcher
University of Oxford

Humboldt University Berlin











Francesco Raffaelli is a PhD student at the Department of Politics and International Relations at the University of Oxford and a Researcher at Humboldt University Berlin.

Francesco's research focuses on the fields of identity politics, comparative political economy, and political behaviour, with a geographical focus on Western European countries.

Specifically, Francesco is interested in studying (1) the formation processes of positive attitudes towards migration phenomena and immigrants, (2) the politicization of new issues related to gender, sexuality, and race, such as "wokeness", and (3) the formation of attitudinal bundles across different political dimensions, with a particular interest in homo- and femo-nationalism.

Methodologically, Francesco employs surveys, laboratory experiments, and causal inference in his research.