Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Mikrosoziologie

Aktuelle Publikationen

Im Erscheinen


Fasang, Anette E., Rob Gruiters and Zachary Van Winkle „The Life Course Boadt: A Theoretical Framework for Analyzing Variation in Family Lives across Time, Place and Social Location“.

Büyükkececi, Zafer, Anette E. Fasang, Vered Kraus, Asaf Levanon, Evgeny Saburov, “Cumulative (Dis)advantage in Work-Family Life Courses and Earnings at Mid-Life in Israel”.


Bedük, Selçuk, Anette Eva Fasang, Susan Harkness, Stefan Bastholm Andrade, Zafer Büyükkeçeci, Satu Helskeand Aleksi Karhula, “Insurance against risk? Economic cost and compensation of job loss in different welfare

Betthäuser, Bastian, Miriam Sieglreitmaier and Anette E. Fasang, “Change and Inequality in Teenagers Everyday Activity Patterns”.

Büyükkececi, Zafer, Anette E. Fasang and Antonino Polizzi, “Gender, Family Life Courses and Income at Mid-Life in East and West Germany”.

Niati, Binda Noella, Anette E. Fasang and Rob Gruijters: “High Hopes and Broken Promises: Generational Change in Young Adult Life Courses and Political Protest in Senegal”.

Fasang, Anette E. and Heike Klüver: „Life Courses and Political Behavior”.

Fasang, Anette E. “Generational Change in Life Courses - a Global Perspective”.


Aktuelle Publikationen


Fasang, Anette E., Stefan Bastholm Andrade, Selcuk Bedük, Zafer Büyükkececi and Aleksi Karhula,“Lives in Welfare States: Life Courses, Earnings Accumulation, and Relative Living Standards in Five European Countries”, forthcoming in American Journal of Sociology, advanced access (2024): | DOI:


Rowold, Carla, Emanuela Struffolino and Anette E. Fasang, “Life-course-sensitive Analysis of Group Inequalities in Old Age: Combining Sequence Analysis with the Kitagawa-Oaxaca-Blinder Decomposition”, online first in Sociological Methods & Research. (2024)| DOI:


Betthäuser, Bastian, Nhat An Trinh and Anette E. Fasang, “The Temporal Dimension of Parental Employment: Temporary Contracts, Non-standard Work Schedules, and Children’s Education in Germany”, European Sociological Review jcad073, (2023) | DOI:


Gruijters, Rob, Zachary Van Winkle and Anette E. Fasang, “Life Course Trajectories and Wealth Accumulation in the United States: Comparing Late Baby Boomers and Early Millennials”, American Journal of Sociology 129: 530-569. (2023) | DOI:


Büyükkececi, Zafer, Anette E. Fasang and Vered Kraus, “Rising Patriarchy and Declining Economic Opportunity: Life Courses and Social Change in Egypt between 1965 and 2018” Population and Development Review 49: 561-598. (2023)  | DOI:


Fasang, Anette E., Emanuela Struffolino and Hannah Zagel, “Household-level Prevalence and Poverty Penalties of Working in Non-teleworkable and Non-essential Occupations: Evidence from East and West Germany in 2019”, Journal of Social Policy Research / Zeitschrift für Sozialreform 69: 85-117. (2023) | DOI:


Liao, Tim F, Danilo Bolano, Christian Brzinsky-Fay, Benjamin Cornwell, Anette E. Fasang, Satu Helske, Raffaela Picarretta, Marcel Raab, Gilbert Ritschard, Emanuela Struffolino, Matthias Studer, “Sequence Analysis: Its Past, Present and Future”, Social Science Research 107: 102772. (2022) | DOI:

Fasang, Anette E. and Silke Aisenbrey, “Uncovering Social Stratification: Intersectional Inequalities in Work and Family Life Courses by Gender and Race”, Social Forces 101: 575-605. (Winner of the 2023 Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award for Excellence in Work Family Research.) (2022) | DOI:


Vargha, Lili; Binder-Hammer, Bernhard and Donehower, Gretchen: Time Transfers by Age and Gender in 28 Countries. Socius. Online | DOI:


Zagel, Hannah and Wim Van Lancker (2022): Family policies' long-term effects on poverty: a comparative analysis for single and partnered mothers. In: Journal of European Social Policy. Online | DOI:


Kailaheimo-Lönnqvist, Sanna; Anette E. Fasang; Emanuela Struffolino and Marika Jalovaara (2021): Is parental divorce homogamy associated with a higher risk of separation from cohabitation and marriage? In: Demography. Online | DOI:


Van Winkle, Zachary and Anette E. Fasang (2021): The Complexity of Employment and Family Life Courses across 20th Century Europe: More evidence for larger cross-national differences than change across cohorts born 1916-1966. In: Demographic Research. Online | DOI:


Struffolino, Emanuela and Hannah Zagel (2021): Limited detraditionalization of intimacy: Growing socioeconomic differences in contraceptive use at first intercourse in Italy. In: Advances in Life Course Research. Online | DOI:


Van Winkle, Zachary and Anette E. Fasang (2020): Parenthood Wage Gaps across the Life-Course: A Comparison by Gender and Race. In: Journal of Marriage and Family. Online | DOI:


Fasang, Anette Eva and Karl Ulrich Mayer (2020): Life Course and Social Inequality. In: Evandrou, Maria; Jane Falkingham and Athina Vlachantoni (Eds.): Handbook of Demographic Change and the Life Course. Edward Elgar. Online | DOI:


Vandecasteele, Leen and Anette Eva Fasang (2020): Neighborhoods, networks and unemployment: the role of neighborhood disadvantage and local networks for taking up work. In: Urban Studies. Online | DOI:


Liao, Tim Futing and Anette Eva Fasang (2020): Comparing Groups of Life Course Sequences using the Bayesian Information Criterion and the Likelihood Ratio Test. In: Sociological Methodology. Online | DOI:


Zagel, Hannah, Henning Lohmann (2020): Conceptual approaches in comparative family policy research. In: Nieuwenhuis, Rense, Wim Van Lancker (Eds.), Palgrave Handbook of Family Policy, Palgrave Macmillan. Online | DOI:


Zagel, Hannah, Henning Lohmann (2020): Conceptualising state-market-family relationships in comparative research: A conceptual goodness view on defamilization. In: Journal of Social Policy. Online | DOI:


Zagel, Hannah (2020): Single mothers’ contact frequency with family and non-family members. In: Zeitschrift für Familienforschung | Journal of Family Research. Online


Zagel, Hannah and Zachary Van Winkle (2020): Women’s family and employment life courses across twentieth century Europe: the role of policies and norms. In: Social Politics. Online


Borgna, Camilla and Emanuela Struffolino (2019): Tempi difficili. Le condizioni occupazionali degli early school leavers in Italia prima e dopo la crisi [Hard times. Labor-market outcomes of early school leavers in Italy before and after the crisis]. In: Sociologia del Lavoro. Online


Pasqua, Silvia; Marianna Filandri and Emanuela Struffolino (2019): Being working poor or feeling working poor? The role of work intensity and job stability for subjective poverty. In: Social Indicators Research. Online


Jalovaara, Marika and Anette Eva Fasang (2019): Family Life Courses, Gender, and Mid-Life Earnings. In: European Sociological Review. Online


Struffolino, Emanuela (2019): Navigating the early career: The social stratification of young workers' employment trajectories in Italy. In: Research on Social Stratification and Mobility. Online


Devillanova, Carlo; Michele Raitano and Emanuela Struffolino (2019): Longitudinal employment trajectories and health in middle life: Insights from linked administrative and survey data. In: Demographic Research. Online


Struffolino, Emanuela and Michele Raitano (2019): Il generation gap nell'accesso al mercato del lavoro: complessità e destandardizzazione delle traiettorie di ingresso [The generational gap in entering the labor market: Complexity and destandardization of early-careers]. In: Italian Journal of Social Policy. Online


Filandri, Marianna and Emanuela Struffolino (2019): Lavoratori o lavoratrici povere? Disuguaglianze di genere nel mercato del lavoro in Europa [Gender inequalities and in-work poverty in Europe]. In: Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale. Online


Karhula, Aleksi; Jani Erola; Marcel Raab and Anette Eva Fasang (2019): Destination as a process: Sibling similarity in early socioeconomic trajectories. In: Advances in Life Course Research. Online


Raab, Marcel and Emanuela Struffolino (2019): The heterogeneity of partnership trajectories to childlessness in Germany. In: European Journal of Population. Online


Filandri, Marianna and Emanuela Struffolino (2018): Individual and household in-work poverty in Europe: Understanding the role of labor market characteristics. In: European Societies. Online


Van Winkle, Zachary (2018): Family Trajectories across Time and Space: Increasing Complexity and Diversity in Family Life Courses in Europe? In: Demography. Online


Borgna, Camilla and Emanuela Struffolino (2018): Unpacking configurational dynamics: Sequence analysis and qualitative comparative analysis as a mixed-method design. In: Ritschard, Gilbert and Matthias Studer (Eds.): Sequence Analysis and Related Approaches - Innovative Methods and Applications. Online and Correction


Lohmann, Henning and Hannah Zagel (2018): Comparing Family Policies: Approaches, Methods and Databases. In: Eydal, Guðný Björk and Tine Rostgaard (Eds.): Handbook of Child and Family Policy. Online


Fasang, Anette Eva (2018): Demography and Social Inequality. In: Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Online


Visser, Mark and Anette Eva Fasang (2018): Educational assortative mating and couples' linked late-life employment trajectories. In: Advances in Life Course Research. Online


Raab, Marcel; Anette Eva Fasang and Moritz Hess (2018): Pathways to death: The co-occurrence of physical and mental health in the last years of life. In: Demographic Research. Online


Struffolino, Emanuela and Dimitri Mortelmans (2018): Lone mothers in Belgium: Labour force attachment and risk factors. In: Bernardi, Laura and Dimitri Mortelmans (Eds.): Lone parenthood in the life course. Online


Struffolino, Emanuela; Laura Bernardi and Ornella Larenza (2018): Lone parenthood and employment trajectories: A longitudinal mixed-method study. In: LIVES Working papers. Online


Van Winkle, Zachary and Emanuela Struffolino (2018): When Working Isn’t Enough: Family Demographic Process and In-Work Poverty across the Life Course in the United States. In: Demographic Research. Online


Zagel, Hannah and Sabine Hübgen (2018): A Life Course Approach to Single Mothers' Economic Wellbeing in Different Welfare States. In: Nieuwenhuis, Rense and Laurie C. Maldonaldo (Eds.): The Triple Bind of Single-Parent Families. Online


Zagel, Hannah and Richard Breen (2018): Family demography and income inequality in West Germany and the US. In: Acta Sociologica. Online


Studer, Matthias; Emanuela Struffolino and Anette Eva Fasang (2018): Estimating the Relationship between Time-varying Covariates and Trajectories: The Sequence Analysis Multistate Model Procedure. In: Social Methodology. Online / PDF


Zagel, Hannah (2018): Alleinerziehen im Lebensverlauf. Familiendynamiken und Ungleichheit im Wohlfahrtsstaat. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. Online


Milewski, Nadja; Emanuela Struffolino and Laura Bernardi (2018): Migrant Status and Lone Motherhood – Risk Factors of Female Labour Force Participation in Switzerland. In: Bernardi, Laura and Dimitri Mortelmans (Eds.): Lone Parenthood in the Life Course. Online


Struffolino, Emanuela and Dimitri Mortelmans (2018): Lone Mothers in Belgium: Labor Force Attachment and Risk Factors. In: Bernardi, Laura and Dimitri Mortelmans (Eds.): Lone Parenthood in the Life Course. Online


Jalovaara, Marika and Anette Eva Fasang (2017): From never partnered to serial cohabitors: Union trajectories to childlessness. In: Demographic Research. Online


Van Winkle, Zachary and Anette Eva Fasang (2017): Complexity in Employment Trajectories in Europe in the 20th Century – Change over Time or Stable Cross-National differences? In: Social Forces. Online


Struffolino, Emanuela und Laura Bernardi (2017): Vulnerabilität alleinerziehender Mütter in der Schweiz aus einer Lebensverlaufsperspektive. In: ZSE Zeitschrift für Soziologie der Erziehung und Sozialisation. Online


Struffolino, Emanuela and Laura Bernardi (2017): Vulnerability of Lone Mothers over the Life Course in Switzerland. In: LIVES Working Paper. Online


Borgna, Camilla and Emanuela Struffolino (2017): Pushed or pulled? Girls and boys facing early school leaving risk in Italy. In: Social Science Research. Online


Aisenbrey, Silke and Anette Eva Fasang (2017): The Interplay of Work- and Family-Trajectories across the Life Course: Germany and the United States in Comparison. In: American Journal of Sociology. Online || Winner of the The Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award for Excellence in Work-Family Research


Fasang, Anette Eva; Johannes Huinink and Matthias Pollmann-Schult (2016): Aktuelle Entwicklungen in der deutschen Familiensoziologie: Theorien, Daten, Methoden. In: Zeitschrift für Familienforschung. Online


Struffolino, Emanuela; Laura Bernardi and Marieke Voorpostel (2016): Self-reported Health among Lone Mothers in Switzerland: Do Employment and Education Matter? In: Population. Online || Winner of the Population Young Author Prize 2016


Aisenbrey, Silke and Anette Eva Fasang (Hrsg.) (2016): Work and Family from a Life Course Perspective. In: Advances in Life Course Research. Online


Struffolino, Emanuela; Matthias Studer and Anette Eva Fasang (2016): Gender, education, and family life courses in East and West Germany: Insights from new sequence analysis techniques. In: Advances in Life Course Research. Online


Lohmann, Henning and Hannah Zagel (2016): Family Policy in Comparative Perspective: The Concepts and Measurements of Familisation and Defamilisation. In: Journal of European Social Policy. Online


Struffolino, Emanuela and Daniele Zaccaria (2016): Early retirement in Italy in a life course perspective: Do preferences matter? In: LIVES Working papers. Online


Fasang, Anette Eva (2015): Intergenerationale Fertilitätstransmission in Ost- und Westdeutschland. In: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie. Online


Madero-Cabib, Ignacio and Anette Eva Fasang (2015): Gendered work-family life courses and financial well-being in retirement. In: Advances in Life Course Research. Online


Jalovaara, Marika and Anette Eva Fasang (2015): Are there gender differences in family trajectories by education in Finland? In: Demographic Research. Online


Symposium: Life-course Sequence Analysis


Raab, Marcel; Anette Eva Fasang; Aleksi Karhula and Jani Erola (2014): Sibling Similarity in Family Formation. In: Demography. Online


Fasang, Anette Eva and Marcel Raab (2014): Beyond Transmission: Intergenerational Patterns of Family Formation in Middle Class American Families. In: Demography. Online


Fasang, Anette Eva; William Mangino and Hannah Brückner (2014): Social Closure and Educational Attainment. In: Sociological Forum. Online


Zagel, Hannah (2014): Are All Single Mothers the Same? Evidence from British and West German Women's Labour Market Involvement Trajectories. In: European Sociological Review. Online


Streitwieser, Bernhard and Zachary Van Winkle (2014): The Erasmus Citizen: Students' Conception of Citizenship Identity in the Erasmus Mobility Programme in Germany. In: Streitwieser, Bernhard (Ed.): Internationalization of Higher Education and Global Mobility.

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Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
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Institut für Sozialwissenschaften
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