Memories, normative ideals and empathic solidarities in Europe
in the aftermath of refugee arrivals in 2015–16
Humboldt University, 19–20 October 2018
About | Programme | Open Space Debate | Speakers | Registration | Venue
This workshop is a politically timely and academically urgent endeavour that concerns many of us within the interdisciplinary fields of migration and refugee activism studies. The Open Space Platform is aimed in particular at younger researchers, from students to doctoral candidates and postdocs, as it provides the opportunity for presenting ideas, discussing and networking in an open framework.
Together we create a space by voicing our matters of (research) concern and define a collaborative agenda on the spot. The overall theme holds all relevant issues around the discourse on migration, refugee activism, normative regimes or politics of emotion and memory and will thereby structure the spontaneous emergence of the open space process.
All those who want to contribute concrete topics are invited to share their suggestions in form of a short oral input or a poster session in the opening round of the Open Space Debate. Based on the topics introduced by the participants, a structured marketplace of questions, topics, discussion offers and project ideas will be developed, which will be dealt with intensively in small working groups. The final plenary session will bring all processes back to the common space.
Possible inputs and questions may relate to:
methodological challenges
ethics of the researchers
political dimensions
further research questions and future collaborations