Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Vergleichende Analyse Politischer Systeme

Conference Papers


Ainsaar, Mare (2018) "Public Attitudes Toward Government Level Control over Healthcare" Paper prepared for the European Population Conference, Brussels, June 6-9.

Anderson, Karen (2018) "Collective Investment and the Paradox of Choice: The Individualization of Occupational Pension Risk in Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands" Paper prepared for 25th International Conference of Europeanists, Chicago, March 28-30.

Anderson, Karen and Paulette Kurzer (2018) "Asset Bubbles and Busts: Housing Markets in Small Coordinated Market Economies" Paper prepared for 25th International Conference of Europeanists, Chicago, March 28-30.

Anderson, Karen and Andra Roescu (2018) "Responsive to Whom? Contrasting Differentiated Policy Responsiveness in Life-Course and Labour Market Risk-Related Programs" Paper prepared for 25th International Conference of Europeanists, Chicago, March 28-30.

Asensio, Maria and Beatriz Padilla (2018a) "Imigração, Integração e Cidadania em Portugal. The Case of Health Politics" Paper prepared for the International Conference on Public Management and Health, Brasilia, March 20-21.

Asensio, Maria and Beatriz Padilla (2018b) "Immigration, Integration and Citizenship in Portugal. The case of Health Policy" Paper prepared for the IASIA-LAGPA Conference, LIMA, July 23-26.

Burlacu, Diana (2018a) "Health Policy Reforms and the Public Opinion" Paper prepared for 25th International Conference of Europeanists, Chicago, March 28-30.

Burlacu, Diana (2018b) "Health Policy Reforms and Public Opionion" Paper prepared for the WSF Final Conference, Florence, May 24-25.

Burlacu, Diana (2018c) "Turning Right? Feedback Effects of Private Insurance on Partisanship" Poster prepared for the 13th International German Socio-Economic Panel User Conference, Berlin, July 19-20.

Burlacu, Diana and Ellen M. Immergut (2018) "Democracy, Discontent, and Health Policies" Paper prepared for the 114th American Political Science Association Conference, Boston, August 30-September 2.

Burlacu, Diana and Konstantin Vössing (2018a) "Beyond Blame Avoidance: Elite Explanations for Social Policy Reform and their Effects on Public Opinion" Paper prepared for the 46th ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, Nicosia, April 10-14.

Burlacu, Diana and Konstantin Vössing (2018b) "Beyond Blame Avoidance: Elite Explanations for Social Policy Reform and their Effects on Public Opinion" Paper prepared for the 8th European Political Science Association Conference, Vienna, June 21-23.

Filipovič Hrast, Maša, Ellen M. Immergut, Tatjana Rakar, Diana Burlacu and Andra Roescu (2018) "Health Care Futures: Visions of Solidarity and the Sustainability of European Health Care Systems" Paper prepared for the WSF Final Conference, Florence, May 24-25.

Nahkur, Oliver (2018a) "Was Pinker Right? Testing 6 Cultural Regions’ Interpersonal Violence Decline and Values Change Since 1990s" Paper prepared for 16th Annual conference of ISQOLS, Hong Kong, June 14-16.

Nahkur, Oliver (2018b) "Societal Index of Interpersonal Destructiveness: Attempting to Provide More Candid and Regular Reporting about Countries’ Interpersonal Violence Level on Global Perspective" Paper prepared for the 19th ISA World Congress of Sociology, Toronto, July 15-21.

Nahkur, Oliver (2018c) "Rapid Social Change and Long Term Trends in Societies’ and Regions’ Level of Interpersonal Destructiveness" Paper prepared for the 19th ISA World Congress of Sociology, Toronto, July 15-21.

Nahkur, Oliver (2018d) "East- and West-Europeans Healthcare Evaluations after Great Recession: Does Healthcare System Access Matter?" Paper prepared for the 16th Annual ESPANET Conference, Vilnius, August 30-September 1.

Oskarson, Maria (2018) "Health Care as Politics. Politicization of Health Care Satisfaction in Europe" Paper prepared for the WSF Final Conference, Florence, May 24-25.

Popic, Tamara (2018) "'Taking Opposition Seriously: Explaining Market-Oriented Healthcare Reforms in Slovakia and Hungary" Paper prepared for the 11th Conference of the Network for European Social Policy Analysis, Florence, September 13-15.

Popic, Tamara and Diana Burlacu (2018) "Healthcare Satisfaction in the Context of Austerity: Portugal and Ireland Compared" Paper prepared for the 114th American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Boston, August 30-September 2.

Popic, Tamara, Camilla Devitt and Maria Asensio (2018) "Portuguese and Irish Healthcare Reforms in the Context of Crisis" Paper prepared for the 11th Conference of the Network for European Social Policy Analysis,Florence, September 13-15.

Popic, Tamara, Camilla Devitt and Maria Asensio (2018) "The Politics of Healthcare Reforms in Portugal and Ireland in the Context of Crisis" Paper prepared for the WSF Final Conference, Florence, May 24-25.

Roots, Ave (2018a) "Inequality of subsistence and satisfaction with health care in the Baltic countriesduring and after the economic crisis (2008 – 2014)" Paper prepared for the WSF Final Conference, Florence, May 24-25.

Roots, Ave (2018b) "Baltic Health Care Systems Paradox and the Economic Crisis" Paper prepared for the 16th Annual ESPANET Conference, Vilnius, August 30-September 1.

Schneider, Simone M. and Ellen Immergut (2018) "How Unfair are Structural Inequalities in Healthcare? The Role of Institutions" Paper prepared for Biennial Meeting of International Society for Justice Research (ISJR), Atlanta, 25-28 July.

Schneider, Simone M. (2018) "Do Institutions Matter? Studying the Performance of Health Care Systems from a Migrant’s Perspective" Paper prepared for Norface Welfare State Futures Programme – Final Conference, Florence, 24-25 May.

Schneider, Simone M. and Ellen Immergut (2018) "The Role of Health Systems in Legitimating Inequalities in Healthcare" Paper prepared for Norface Welfare State Futures Programme – Final Conference, Florence, 24-25 May.




Ainsaar, Mare (2017) "Public Attitudes Toward Government Level Control over Healthcare – Self-interest, Ideological Values or an Impact of Institutions" Paper prepared for the 3rd International Conference on Public Policy, Singapore, June 28-30.

Ainsaar, Mare and Oliver Nahkur (2017) "Is the Satisfaction with Health Care System Indeed Satisfaction with Health Care System?" Paper prepared for the Annual Conference of Estonian Centre of Behavioural and Health Sciences, Tehvandi, May 11-12.

Ainsaar, Mare, Oliver Nahkur and Ave Roots (2017) "Challenges of E-Health Systems Developments in Europe – Analyses of A Country Case of Estonia" Paper prepared for the 15th Annual ESPAnet Conference, Lisbon, September 14-16.

Anderson, Karen (2017) "Satisfaction with the Health Care System in the Netherlands" Paper prepared for the 24th International Conference of Europeanists, Glasgow, July 12-14.

Anderson, Karen, Anke Hassel and Marek Naczyk (2017) "Satisfaction with the Health Care System in the Netherlands" Paper prepared for the 24th International Conference of Europeanists, Glasgow, July 12-14.

Anderson, Karen and Andra Roescu (2017) "Satisfaction with the Health Care System in the Netherlands. A Panel Approach" Paper prepared for the 15th Annual ESPAnet Conference, Lisbon, September 14-16.

Burlacu, Diana and Andra Roescu (2017) "Public Responsiveness and Healthcare Reforms" Paper prepared for the 75th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, April 6-9.

Burlacu, Diana and Ellen M. Immergut (2017) "Welfare State Institutions and Welfare State Attitudes: Using Privatization to Gain Causal Leverage on the Problem of Attitude Formation" Paper prepared for the 24th International Conference of Europeanists, Glasgow, July 12-14.

Burlacu, Diana and Ellen M. Immergut (2017) "Welfare State Institutions and Welfare State Attitudes: Using Privatization to Gain Causal Leverage on the Problem of Attitude Formation" Paper prepared for the WSF Thematic Workshop "The Social Legitimacy of our Future Welfare State, Gothenburg, February 22-24.

Burlacu, Diana, Ellen M. Immergut, Maria Oskarsson and Björn Rönnerstrand (2017) "The Politics of Credit Claiming: Recognition and Values in Policy Feedback" Paper prepared for the NORFACE WSF Thematic Workshop - Inequality and Welfare States, Oslo, June 19-20.

Nahkur, Oliver (2017a) "Depressiooni mõjutavad tegurid 18 Euroopa riigis (Depression and its determinants in 18 European countries)" Paper prepared for the Annual Conference of Estonian Centre of Behavioural and Health Sciences, Tehvandi, May 11-12.

Nahkur, Oliver (2017b) "The Effect of Subjective and Objective Economic Insecurity to Child Self-assessed Mental Well-being Based on ISCIWeb 12-Year-old Data from 14 Countries” Paper prepared for the 6th Conference of the International Society for Child Indicators, Montreal, June 28-30.

Nahkur, Oliver (2017c) "Genders in Focus: Depression and its Multilevel Correlates Based on Pooled Data from 18 European Countries" Paper prepared for the 15th Annual Conference of ISQOLS, Innsbruck, September 28-30.

Orru, Kati (2017) "Indidvidual and Socio-cultural Determinants of Environmental Health Risk Perception and the Related Health Effects" Paper prepared for the Annual Conference of Estonian Centre of Behavioural and Health Sciences, Tehvandi, May 11-12.

Popic, Tamara (2017) "When Ideas (Don't) Affect Policy Change: The Case of Healthcare Reforms in Central Eastern Europe" Paper prepared for the 10th ESPAnet Italia Conference , Bologna, September 21-23.

Popic, Tamara, Simone M. Schneider and Maria Asensio (2017a) "Portuguese Public Opinion towards Healthcare in the Context of Crisis" Paper prepared for the 15th Annual ESPAnet Conference, Lisbon, September 14-16.

Popic, Tamara, Simone M. Schneider and Maria Asensio (2017b) "Portuguese Public Opinion towards Healthcare in the Context of Crisis" Paper prepared for the 24th International Conference of Europeanists, Glasgow, July 12-14.

Roots, Ave (2017) "Socioeconomic Inequality in Health and Access to Health Care (Sotsiaalmajanduslik ebavõrdsus tervises ja ligipääsus tervishoiule)" Paper prepared for the User Conference of Statistics Estonia "Small Estonia, Big Europe – what does the statistics show" („Väike Eesti, suur Euroopa – mida näitab statistika?“). Tallinn, October 24.

Roots, Ave, Mare Ainsaar and Oliver Nahkur (2017) "Inequality of Subsistence and Satisfaction with Health Care in the Baltic Countries During and After the Economic Crisis (2008 – 2014)” Paper prepared for the Annual Conference of Estonian Centre of Behavioural and Health Sciences, Tehvandi, May 11-12.

Schneider, Simone (2017a) "Why Income Inequality is dissatisfying? The Role of Subjective Social Status" Paper prepared for the Sociological Association of Ireland 44th Annual Conference, Belfast, May 5-6.

Schneider, Simone (2017b) "Why Income Inequality is Dissatisfying? Perceptions of Social Status and the Inequality-Satisfaction Link" Paper prepared for UNIL/LINES Colloquium Series, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, 17 October.

Schneider, Simone (2017c) "Do Institutions Matter? Studying the Performance of Health Care Systems from a Migrant’s Perspective – A Quasi-Natural Experiment" Paper prepared for the Sociological Association of Ireland 44th Annual Conference, Belfast, May 5-6.

Schneider, Simone (2017d) "Why Income Inequality is Dissatisfying? The Role of Subjective Social Status" Paper prepared for the ASA, Annual Meeting, Montreal, August 12-15.

Schneider, Simone (2017e) "Why Income Inequality is Dissatisfying? The Role of Subjective Social Status" Paper prepared for the ISQOLS Conference, Innsbruck, September 28-30.

Schneider, Simone M. and Ellen Immergut (2017) "The Role of Healthcare Systems in Legitimating Health Inequalities" Final Meeting of Norface funded Research Group ‘Health Inequalities in European Welfare States’ (HiNEWS), Paris, 25-26 September.


Ainsaar, Mare, Oliver Nahkur and Liina-Mai Tooding (2016) "Public attitudes toward health care - self-interest or impact of institutions?" Paper prepared for the 3rd International ESS Conference, Lausanne, 13-15 July.

Asensio, Maria and Tamara Popic (2016) "Portuguese Healthcare Reforms in the Context of Crisis: Economic Pressures or Political Choice?" Paper prepared for the Annual ESPAnet Conference, Rotterdam, 1-3 September.

Burlacu, Diana (2016a) "Health Insurance and Political Involvement" Paper prepared for Annual Meeting of the the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, 7-10 April.

Burlacu, Diana (2016b) "The impact of private health insurance on political preferences. A regression discontinuity and longitudinal analysis" Paper prepared for the "Public Opinion and Policy Feedback workshop, University of Konstanz, July 2016.

Burlacu, Diana and Ellen M. Immergut (2016a) "Parasitic of Symbiotic? The Impact of Health Insurance Privatization on Welfare State Attitudes" Paper prepared for the Public Opinion and Public Policy Workshop at the ECPR Joint Session, Pisa, 24-28 April.

Burlacu, Diana and Ellen M. Immergut, (2016b) "The impact of health policy reform on public opinion" Paper prepared for the Public Opinion and Public Policy Workshop at the ECPR Joint Session, Pisa, 24-28.

Burlacu, Diana and Maarja Lühiste (2016) "My Baby Needs the State - Explaining Gender Differences in Attitude towards Welfare State" Paper prepared for the 6th Annual Conference, European Political Science Association Brussels, 23-25 June.

Blomqvist, Paula (2016) "User choice in welfare policy: The Swedish experience" Paper prepared for the 23rd International Conference of Europeanists (Council of European Studies), Philadelphia, 14-16 April.

Burlacu, Diana and Björn Rönnerstrand (2016) "Corruption sands the empty but greases the abundant wheels of the healthcare system" Paper prepared for the Annual ESPAnet Conference, Rotterdam, 1-3 September.

Immergut, Ellen and Diana Burlacu (2016) "The impact of health policy reforms on health, health inequality and public opinion" Paper prepared for the Annual ESPAnet Conference, Rotterdan, 1-3 September.

Moberg, Linda, Paula Blomqvist and Ulrika Winblad (2016) "Professionalized Through Audit? Care Workers and the New Audit Regime in Sweden" Paper prepared for the EGPA Annual Conference, Utrecht, 24-26 August.

Nahkur, Oliver (2016) "International Comparative Usability of the National Index of Interpersonal Destructiveness: A Validity Analysis" Paper prepared for the third ISA Forum, Vienna, 10-14 July.

Popic, Tamara (2016) "Ideas, Institutions and Politics in Post-Communist Health Policy" Paper prepared for the Annual ESPAnet Conference, Rotterdam, 1-3 September.

Popic, Tamara and Simone Schneider (2016a) "Haunted by the Past? An Institutional Analysis of Health Care Attitudes in Eastern and Western Europe" Paper prepared for the Annual ESPAnet Conference, Rotterdam, 1-3 September.

Popic, Tamara and Simone Schneider (2016b) "Institutional and individual factors in attitudes toward healthcare system: An East-West comparison" Paper prepared for the 3rd International ESS Conference, Lausanne, 13-15 July.

Roots, Ave (2016) "Access to Medical care depending on the experience of unemployment in different welfare regimes" Paper prepared for the 3rd International ESS Conference, Lausanne 13-15 July.

Roots, Ave, Anu Masso and Mare Ainsaar (2016) "Measuring attitudes towards immigrants: Validity of index variables across countries" Paper prepared for the 3rd International ESS Conference, Lausanne, 13-15 July.

Rönnerstrand, Björn and Maria Oskarsson, (2016): "Standing in line when queues are on decline. Policy proximity and evaluations of health care services following the Swedish waiting time guarantee policies" Paper prepared for the Public Opinion and Public Policy Workshop at the ECPR Joint Session, Pisa, 24-28 April.

Schneider, Simone M. (2016a) "Income Inequalities and Life Satisfaction – A Matter of Justice Perception! How Perceptions of Distributive Justice contribute to our Understanding of When and How Income Inequality affects Our Life Satisfaction" Paper prepared for the ISJR Conference, Kent, 20-23 July.

Schneider, Simone M. (2016b) "How Satisfying is Income Inequality? A Matter of Where We Stand and What We Think" Paper prepared for the ISJR Conference, Kent, 20-23 July.

Winblad Ulrika, Paula Blomqvist and Linn Kullberg (2016) "Competition, Choice and Geographical Equity in Rural Health Care" Paper prepared for the EGPA Annual Conference, Utrecht, 24-26 August.


Abou-Chadi, Tarik and Ellen M. Immergut (2015) "Electoral Competition and the New Party Politics of Welfare State Recalibration" Paper prepared for the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, 3-6 September.

Anderson, Karen M. (2015) "The Politics of Health Care Reform in the Netherlands: The Impact of Negotiated Partisanship" Paper prepared for the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, 3-6 September.

Burlacu, Diana (2015) "Health Insurance and Political Participation" Paper prepared for the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, 3-6 September.

Blomqvist, Paula and Joakim Palme (2015) "Universalism in Swedish welfare policy 1990-2014" Paper prepared for the Research Group of Social Policy and Poverty (RC19), Bath, 26-28 August.

Winblad, Ulrika, Anna Mankell and Fredrik Olsson (2015) "Privatisering av välfärdstjänster: hur garanteras kvalitet i vård och omsorg?" Paper prepared for the Statsvetenskapliga förbundet (SWEPSA), Stockholm, 14-16 October.





Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Kultur-, Sozial- und Bildungswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Institut für Sozialwissenschaften
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10099 Berlin



Institut für Sozialwissenschaften
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10117 Berlin
