Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - TEST


Fourth HEALTHDOX Workshop

November 9-11th 2017, Florence, Italy

From 9 to 11 of November, HEALTHDOX (The Paradox of Health State Future) project held its fourth workshop, this time at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence. The workshop hosted members of the project team – Ellen Immergut (EUI), Diana Burlacu (Humboldt University Berlin), Maria Oskarson and Bjorn Roennerstrand (University of Gothenburg), Karen Anderson and Andra Roescu (University of Southampton), Camilla Devitt (Trinity College Dublin), Mare Ainsaar and Ave Roots (University of Tartu) and Tamara Popic (University of Lisbon) – as well as project collaborators Elisa Chulia (National Distance Education University) and Alexandru Moise (Central European University).

The main aim of this workshop was to track latest progress on the main output of the project – a manuscript for the handbook on healthcare politics in Europe, which covers healthcare reforms in Europe since 1990. Over the first two workshop days, in the morning the participants presented their most recent progress on the manuscript. This included presentations of the introductory handbook chapters on healthcare governance (by Tamara Popic and Bjorn Roennerstrand), healthcare inequalities (by Simone Schneider, Ave Roots and Katharina Rathmann) and public opinion towards healthcare (by Diana Burlacu and Andra Roescu) and of the country-focused handbook chapters on Ireland (by Camilla Devitt), Estonia (by Mare Ainsaar, Ave Roots, Jüri Kõre and Raul- Allan Kiivet) and Spain (by Elisa Chulia). The afternoons were instead used for a more focused one-to-one meetings between the authors and the editors. The last day of the workshop was dedicated to a joint discussion on the coding of the data tables that lists the reforms described in the country chapters and on the construction of the database on healthcare reforms that will be made open access within a year after the completion of the project.

After two and a half days of fruitful collaboration, the workshop was concluded with a farewell lunch in a Tuscan restaurant Piatti e Faggotti.



Fifth Healthdox Meeting at the "Welfare State Attitudes – The Social Legitimacy of Our Future Welfare State" Thematic Workshop

February 22-24th 2017, Gothenburg, Sweden

tablewsfworkshopOur fifth meeting took place in Gothenburg during the Norface Thematic Workshop on welfare state attitudes, organized by our colleagues, Maria Oskarson and Björn Ronnerstrand (Healthdox Sweden). One of the main points on our agenda had been the graphical illustration of cross-time satisfaction with health system, health care saliency, health inequalities, and health system governance and financing in the 36 countries investigated in our project. Researchers also presented their latest research at the " Welfare State Attitudes – The Social Legitimacy of Our Future Welfare State" Thematic Workshop, together with colleagues from other 9 NORFACE projects: HiNEWS, HESTIA, WELFSOC, 4I’s, FACSK, MIFARE, and FPRWS. See a full description of the workshop and its program here.

Fourth Healthdox Meeting at the "Health Politics, Health Policy, Long Term Care and Inequalities" Thematic Workshop

October 5th, 2016, Mannheim, Germany

Healthdox researchers met again for their fourth meeting, this time during one of the Norface Thematic Workshops. The main focus of the meeting had been the introductory chapters of the Healthdox Handbook and dissemination strategies for the first results of our research. Healthdox researchers also presented their work at the Thematic Workshop "Health Politics, Health Policy, Long Term Care and Inequalities". Together with researchers from EXCELC and HiNEWS, our Healthdox colleagues considered topics such as: comparative health care systems and reforms, carework and performance, and methodological challenges and pathways linking health care systems to population health and public attitudes. More details about the Thematic Workshop here.

WSF TW Mannheim Treppenfoto Alle

Third Workshop

March 9-11th 2016

Final 1.jpgThe third Healthdox workshop took place in Berlin, March 9-11th 2016, with all team members and several collaborators present at the event. In the first day, postdoctoral researchers presented their work on healthcare inequalities, healthcare performance and spending, and public opinion and party politics in healthcare. In the other two days, researchers discussed the healthcare reforms in the Nordic (Denmark, Iceland, Sweden), Continental (the Netherlands, Switzerland, France), Southern (Italy, Greece, Portugal), and Eastern (Czech Republic, Poland, Bulgaria, Croatia, Serbia) Europe. Similarities as well as divergences in the development of the healthcare systems within regions raised intensively discussed questions on path dependency, the role of politics, and the feedback effect of healthcare reforms on public opinion and satisfaction. These questions will be addressed more systematically once our Healthcare Reforms Dataset is ready.  

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Second Workshop

October 29th/30th 2015

HEALTHDOX Workshop 1.jpgAt the second project meeting the project team had been completed, with all 6 postdoctoral researchers participating together with the PIs, research assistants and students from the “Public opinion and the welfare state”, coordinated by Diana Burlacu at Humboldt University of Berlin. Researchers discussed the health care reforms in Sweden, Ireland, the Netherlands, Portugal, Estonia and Czech Republic and adequate coding strategies of these reforms in our Healthcare reforms Dataset. The main public opinion data sources on health and health care in Sweden, Ireland, the Netherlands, Portugal and Estonia has been identified and critically discussed. For our public opinion data harmonization process, 12 established cross-national public opinion data projects have been examined and variables relevant for our project empirically and graphically presented. These cross-national studies are Eurobarometer(EB), European Social Survey(ESS), European Value Survey (EVS) + World Value Survey (WVS), International Social Survey Programme (ISSP), European Quality of Life (EQL), Commonwealth Fund International Health Policy Survey (CFIHPS), European Community Household Panel (ECHP), Comparative Surveys on Living Conditions (CSLC), Comparative Studies of Electoral Systems (CSES), European Health Interview Survey (EHIS), Survey on Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE).


Kick Off Meeting

March 26th/27th 2015

One month after the official start of the project, the Principals Investigators from all 6 countries and the postdoctoral researchers Diana Burlacu and Simone Schneider met in Berlin. The development of the project has been discussed at length, with a focus on the next steps in health care reforms qualitative data collection and public opinion cross-national data harmonization. 





Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Kultur-, Sozial- und Bildungswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Institut für Sozialwissenschaften
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin



Institut für Sozialwissenschaften
Universitätsstraße 3b
10117 Berlin
