Journal Articles
Abou-Chadi, T (2018) Electoral Competition, political risks, and parties’ responsiveness to voters’ issue priorities, Electoral Studies, 55(October): 99-108.
Abou-Chadi, T & Finnigan, R (2018) Rights for Same-Sex Couples and Public Attitudes toward Gays and Lesbians in Europe. Comparative Political Studies,
Abou-Chadi T & Immergut E M (2018) Recalibrating Social Protection: Electoral Competition and the New Partisan Politics of the Welfare State. European Journal of Political Research,
Abou-Chadi, T & Krause, W. (2018) The Causal Effect of Radical Right Success on Mainstream Parties’ Policy Positions: A Regression Discontinuity Approach, British Journal of Political Science,
Abou-Chadi, T & Wagner, M (2018) The Electoral Appeal of Party Strategies in Post-Industrial Societies: When Can the Mainstream Left Succeed? Journal of Politics,
Abou-Chadi, T and Kayser, Mark A. (2017) It's not easy being green: Why voters punish parties for environmental policies during economic downturns. Electoral Studies, 45(February): 201-207.
Abou-Chadi, T (2016a) Niche Party Success and Mainstream Party Policy Shifts – How Green and Radical Right Parties Differ in Their Impact. British Journal of Political Science, 46(2): 417-436.
Abou-Chadi, T (2016b) Political and Institutional Determinants of Immigration Policies. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 42(13):2087-2110.
Abou-Chadi, T and Orlowski, M (2016) Moderate as Necessary. The Role of Electoral Competitiveness and Party Size in Explaining Parties’ Policy Shifts. The Journal of Politics, 78(3): 868-881
Abou-Chadi, T and Orlowski, M (2015) Political Institutions and the Distributional Consequences of Suffrage Extension. Political Studies, 63(S1):55-72.
Immergut, EM and Abou-Chadi, T (2014). How electoral vulnerability affects pension politics: Introducing a concept, measure and empirical application. European Journal of Political Research, 53(2): 269-287.
Book Chapters:
Abou-Chadi, T (2015) Das Thema europäische Integration und die Wahlentscheidung bei der Bundestagswahl 2013 In: Wirtschaft, Krise und Wahlverhalten, ed. by Heiko Giebler/Aiko Wagner, pp. 84-106, Nomos, Baden-Baden.
Immergut, EM, Abou-Chadi, T, and Orlowski, M (2015) The Sustainability of Democracy: The Impact of Electoral Incentives on the Input and Output Legitimacy of democracies. In: In Complex Democracy: Varieties, Crises, and Transformations, ed. by V. Schneider and B. Eberlein, pp. 247-262, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, Cham, Switzerland.
Immergut, EM, Rehmert, J. and Schneider, SM (2019) The European pension politics dataset. EUI ResData,