Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Mikrosoziologie

Laufende Projekte

Labour market, income and well-being trajectories before and after the birth of the first child

The aim of this research project is to estimate the parental costs and rewards of childbearing in a life course perspective in three countries: Germany (West and East Germany), Hungary, and the US. Using longitudinal data and methods such as Group Based Trajectory Modeling and Sequence Analysis, we investigate individual labour market and income trajectories before and after the birth of the first child as well as well-being trajectories (subjective and psychological well-being, physical health). Therefore, we are able to assess how the well-being of parents having different labour market and income trajectories change after the birth of their first child.

The project is innovative since it takes into account both the material and nonmaterial dimensions of the costs and benefits of childbearing and it also considers not only the short-term effects of having a child on parents’ lives, but also the long-term ones as well. Moreover, the analysis uses a systematic cross-national comparative approach with countries having different social contexts of parenting strategies after the birth of children (i.e. the uptake of parental leaves by mothers and fathers, and the transition back to work).

While Hungary is characterized by an exceptionally long and extensively used paid parental leave by mostly mothers but a less flexible labour market, in Germany the paid leave is shorter, but the working arrangements are more flexible. There is also a convergence of West and East Germany in this respect. In the US there is no national program for paid parental leave, and the leave largely depends on employers. The analysis will have important implications for fertility research and policy, since it will shed light on the question why so many couples in Germany and Hungary forego a second child. Furthermore, the life course perspective will make it possible to reach important findings about the labour market integration of parents in ageing societies and how it is related to the well-being of parents.

Principal Investigators: Lili Vargha, Antonino Polizzi, Anette Fasang
Finanzierung: Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung
Start: 1. Februar 2021


Haushaltsstrukturen und ökonomische Risiken während der COVID-19 Pandemie in Ost- und Westdeutschland: Kompensation oder Akkumulation? (KOMPAKK) [Link]

Die wirtschaftlichen Folgen der COVID-19 Pandemie bringen für viele Menschen Einkommensverluste mit sich und erhöhen das Armutsrisiko. Haushaltsstrukturen können diese Risiken verstärken oder verringern, beispielsweise über die Anzahl erwerbstätiger Erwachsener oder minderjähriger Kinder im Haushalt. Sozialpolitische Maßnahmen können Risiken kompensieren. Dieses Projekt untersucht die ungleiche Verteilung von ökonomischen Risiken und Kompensationsmöglichkeiten in Haushalten in Ost- und Westdeutschland während der COVID-19 Pandemie und wertet sozialpolitische Interventionsstrategien hinsichtlich der Risikoverteilung aus.

Principal Investigators: Anette Fasang, Emanuela Struffolino, Hannah Zagel

Finanzierung: Fördernetzwerk für Interdisziplinäre Sozialpolitikforschung, Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales

Start: 1. September 2020



Understanding Family Demographic Processes & In-Work Poverty in Europe - How Marriage, Parenthood, and Divorce Affect the Risk of In-work Poverty across the Life Course [Link]

This project analyses the role of family demographic processes (leaving parental home, marriage, divorce, and parenthood) for the probability of being working poor and how it changes over the life course. The research outputs will make at least three innovative contributions to understanding family demographic processes and in-work poverty in Europe. First, the researchers will undertake a systematic review of the family-related risk factors for in-work poverty. Second, they will analyse how the association between family demographic processes and in-work poverty varies across the life course and by gender across western democracies using CNEF data. As an example, they will address the crucial questions on whether entering parenthood and experiencing divorce increase the risk of in-work poverty and whether these associations strengthen or weaken as individuals grow older. Finally, they will study the association between family demographic processes and in-work poverty comparing two countries, Germany and the UK, where welfare measures against poverty differ greatly.

Applicants: Emanuela Struffolino, Johannes Giesecke, Christiaan Monden (Oxford), Zachary van Winkle (Oxford)


Contestations of the Liberal Script (SCRIPTS) - Weltweite Herausforderungen für liberale Demokratie und Marktwirtschaft als Ordnungsmodell [Link]

Nach dem Ende des Kalten Krieges schien sich die liberale Demokratie endgültig durchgesetzt zu haben. Doch 25 Jahre später befindet sich das liberale Ordnungsmodell in einer tiefen Krise. Das Exzellenzcluster Contestations of the Liberal Script (SCRIPTS) untersucht die gegenwärtigen Auseinandersetzungen um die liberale Ordnung aus historischer, globaler und vergleichender Perspektive. Welche Ursachen haben die aktuellen Auseinandersetzungen um das liberale Skript, und welche Auswirkungen ergeben sich für die globalen Probleme des 21. Jahrhunderts? Das Cluster verbindet die in Berlin vorhandene Expertise in den Sozialwissenschaften und Regionalstudien und überbrückt dadurch vorherrschende methodische und institutionelle Trennungen. Neben der Freien Universität Berlin, der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin und dem Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin sind die Hertie School of Governance, das Zentrum für Osteuropa- und internationale Studien, das Deutsche Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, das German Institute of Global and Area Studies, sowie das Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient beteiligt. Über Forschungskooperationen in allen Weltregionen adressiert SCRIPTS die Vielfalt der Herausforderungen und ihre Verbindungen. Gleichzeitig setzt die Initiative auf eine enge Zusammenarbeit mit Praxisinstitutionen aus Politik und Kultur.

Sprecher*innen: Tanja Börzel, Michael Zürn

Research Unit Coordinators: Sebastian Conrad, Anette Eva Fasang

Finanzierung: Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft

Start: 2019



High hopes and broken promises: Young adult life courses in Senegal [Link]

The research project investigates the demographic, historical and sociological conditions of Senegal that may give rise to contestations of the liberal script, particularly by its young adults. Many post-colonial countries in Africa have followed the liberal script – implementation of democracy, free markets and expanded education – yet have failed to achieve the liberal promises of meritocracy and prosperity. Such failed promises may lead to disillusioned youths that question the liberal script, resulting often in emigration that in turn threatens the borders and stability of the destination liberal democracies.

Principal Investigators: Anette Eva Fasang, Andreas Eckert

Finanzierung: Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft

Start: 2019



Mitteilungen des Instituts




Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Kultur-, Sozial- und Bildungswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Institut für Sozialwissenschaften
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin



Institut für Sozialwissenschaften
Universitätsstraße 3b
10117 Berlin
