Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - DYNAMICS

Career Talks


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By inviting outstanding female scholars to our RTG for Career Talks, we provide candid conversations with inspiring women in the Social Sciences who discuss their individual career path, the decisions they made and the challenges they tackled along the way to success with our female doctoral students. Career Talks are an excellent way to meet Role Models and to expand the academic network. The talks are one measure at our RTG to empower our female doctoral students and encourage them for an academic career.

Title Location Start Date
Career Talk - Empowering Exchanges with Prof. Evelyne Huber, University of North Carolina Zoom (Link after registration via: Apr 06, 2020 02:00
Career Talk - Empowering Exchanges with Dr. Julia Schulte-Cloos, LMU Munich Zoom Feb 11, 2020 10:00