Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Department of Social Sciences

Binding Registration: 8th GET MA Alumni Conference (Ankara, November 21-24, 2024)

Dear GET-MA Alumni,

Unfortunately, the planning of the 8th GET MA Alumni Conference took a little longer than expected. But now - more or less - the program is fixed and it will take place as planned from November 21st to 24th in Ankara.

We kindly ask you to register by September 30th using the form in the link. The form will automatically send you a confirmation that your registration has been received. But please do NOT book any flights yet.

The process is a bit more complicated: We have 25 places for alumni from "developing countries", 20 places for alumni from industrialized countries and 5 places for alumni from Germany (at least three of them with a Turkish background). These are DAAD guidelines and we have to follow them - otherwise we will have problems with the budget.

I will look at each application as soon as I receive it and see if there is a spot left. If there is a spot available, I will confirm this individually and then a flight can be booked. On average, travel costs of up to EUR 280 can be covered.

Please do not book a flight until I have confirmed and approved it.

As with previous conferences, travel, food, and lodging will generally be covered by DAAD. However, due to the limited budget and the enormous increase in costs in Ankara, you may have to pay for lunch or alcoholic drinks at dinner.

Special note for alumni working in Germany:

We have found out that educational events offered by Humboldt-Universität are automatically recognized as educational time ("Bildungszeit"). At least in Berlin (Berliner Bildungszeitgesetz vom 05.07.2021, §10 (5)). This means that you may not need to use your vacation time to attend. If you need a confirmation for your employer, please let me know.

We are looking forward to your participation and hope to see you in Ankara in November!

All the best from Berlin!


Please feel free to contact Christian ( if you have any suggestions or questions.