Professur (C4) für Vergleichende Analyse politischer Systeme, Humboldt- Universität zu Berlin |
Professur (C3) für politische Theorie, Universität Konstanz |
Ford International Development Chair, Associate Professor of Political Science for Public Policy, Massachussetts Institute of Technology |
Assistant Professor for Political Science for Public Policy, Massachussetts Institute of Technolgy |
Dozentin für Politikwissenschaft, Massachussetts Institute of Technology |
Ph.D., Harvard University, Department of Sociologiy |
M.A., Harvard University, Department of Sociology |
B.A., Harvard Universität, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology |
Professionelle Aktivitäten
Speaker, Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences, Funded by DFG Excellence Initiative, 2007-2014 |
Board Member, European Politics & Society Section of APSA |
Committee Member, Israel Committee of Higher Education Review of Political Science Departments in Israel |
Member, International Advisory Board, Scandinavian Political Studies |
Editor, Member, Editorial Board, Der moderne Staat - Zeitschrift für Public Policy, Recht und Management |
Editorial Board, Journal of Health Policy, Politics and Law |
Chair, American Political Science Association Gabriel A. Almond Award Committee for the Best Dissertation in Comparative Politics |
Member, Strategic Review Committee, European University Institute, Florence |
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Health Economics, Policy and Law |
Member, Research Council, European University Institute, Florence |
Member, J. David Greenstone Book Award Committee of the Politics and History Section of the American Political Science Association |
Veröffentlichungen (Auswahl)
"The Sustainability of Democracy: The Impact of Electoral Incentives on the Input and Output Legitimacy of Democracies.", (with Tarik Abou-Chadi and Matthias Orlowski), in: Complex Democracy: Varieties, Crises, and Transformations, ed. V. Schneider and B. Eberlein. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing Switzerland. p. 247-262. |
"How electoral vulnerability affects pension politics: Introducing a concept, measure and empirical application", (mit Tarik Abou-Chadi), European Journal of Political Research 53(2): 269-287. |
"Veto-Points and the Environment", (mit Matthias Orlowski), in: Klaus Armingeon (Hg.) Staatstätigkeiten, Parteien und Demokratie. Festschrift für Manfred G. Schmidt. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. S. 205-217. |
"Schwerpunktheft: Institutionen und Umweltpolitik in Deutschland", hg. mit Matthias Orlowski, dms - der moderne staat, 4(1): 61-150. |
"Political Institutions", in: Frank G. Castles, Stephan Leibfried, Jane Lewis, Herbert Obinger und Christopher Pierson (Hg.) The Oxford Handbook of The Welfare State. Oxford: Oxford University Press. S. 227-240. |
"The Politics of the Obama Health Reform, or, It’s the Veto Points!", States, Power, and Societies, Newsletter of the Political Sociology Section of the American Sociological Association, 15(2): 2,5,7. |
"Historical Institutionalism and West European Politics", (mit Karen M. Anderson), West European Politics, 31(1-2): 345-369. |
The Oxford Handbook of West European Pension Politics, hg. mit Karen Anderson und Isabelle Schulze. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 932 S. (Paperback edition, 2009). |
"Crisis of Governance: Institutions and the Politics of Change in Japan and Europe", hg. mit Ikuo Kume, Special Issue of Governance, 19(1): 1-133. |
"Institutional Constraints", in: Michael Moran, Martin Rein und Robert Goodin (Hg.) The Oxford Handbook of Public Policy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. S. 557-571. |
"Paradigms of Change in Political Science: Historical-Institutionalism and the Problem of Change", in: Andreas Wimmer und Reinhart Kößler (Hg.) Understanding Change: Models, Methodologies and Metaphors. New York/Basingstoke: Palgrave/Macmillan. S. 237-259. |
"Norface: Welfare States Futures Scientific Programme Coordination." |
"Norface: The Paradox of Health Care Futures HEALTHDOX." Project funded by the German National Science Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, (DFG), Principal Investigator. |
"The Impact of Electoral Vulnerability on Institutional Change: Recalibrating Public Policies in the Areas of Pensions, Agriculture and Citizenship." (IM 35/3-1) Project funded by the German National Science Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, (DFG), Principal Investigator. |
"Political Economy of Pension Politics" (A 16 Country study of Pension Politics from 1980 to 2003 funded by the German National Science Foundation (DFG) (BR 740/12-1,3), Co-Principal Investigator. |