Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Comparative Political Sciences and Political Systems of Eastern Europe


Conference contributions and invited lectures
(selection since 2011)

“Judges as Activists", Faculty of Law, Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) in Budapest/Hungary


“The Change of the Polish Abortion Law in Times of the Covid-19 Pandemic – a Window of Opportunity or a Misperception of Power Structures?”, ECPR General Conference

“Implications for Inter-Institutional Power Relations from the „creative“ Implementation of CJEU Rulings”, ECPR Joint Session of Workshops, online


Die Transformation in Ungarn 1989 im Spiegel deutscher Medien, Goethe Institut Budapest 


"Was heißt hier Werte? Die EU und Rechtsstaatlichkeit in Polen und Ungarn“, Europäische Akademie, Berlin

"The European Commission and Polish Civil Society - alternative Ways to handle the Rule of Law Procedure?", ECPR Joint Session of Workshops, Mons

"Poland", Regional Workshop, Meeting of BTI Experts 2020 in Bratislava


“Hands off the Constitution! The oppositional judges in Poland and their Struggle for Checks and Balances”, ECPR General Conference, Hamburg

“Das „A(lternative)“ Polen und die EU”, DVPW-Kongress, Frankfurt/Main


“Where is Europe heading? On old and new divides in times of (multiple) crises”, University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill


“The Political Impact of the Polish Constitutional Court”, Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre for Social Sciences Institute for Legal Studies, Budapest


„Lettlands Demokratie. Zur politischen Dimension von Wirtschaftsboom und -krise“, Andrassy-Universität und Hannah-Arendt-Institut für Totalitarismusforschung, Budapest

“East-Central European Democracies Adrift? Trajectories and their Causes”, DVPW- Sektionstagung Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, Hamburg


“Poland: The quality of government: Responsible versus responsive government”, 19th Annual Conference of the Central European Political Science Association, Prag

“The Case of Latvia”, Memorial Conference on the Victims of Dictatorship in the Soviet Union, Moskau

„Deutschland – eine geglückte Demokratie?“, Lettische Universität, Riga


“The State of Democracy and Governance in Poland”, 18th Annual Conference of the Central European Political Science Association, Pilsen


“How to explain the features of post-socialist party systems?”, Jean Blondel Seminars in Political Science, Università degli Studi di Siena


„Polens erste EU-Ratspräsidentschaft: Eine Einschätzung aus nordöstlicher Perspektive“, Forschungsgruppe Nordeuropäische Politik und Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik