Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - German Politics

David Meiering

Doctoral Researcher




Curriculum Vitae






(030) 2093-66574


Universitätsstr. 3b, Room 408

Postal Address

Humboldt University Berlin

Department of Social Sciences

Unter den Linden 6

10099 Berlin

Consultation hours

by appointment via email


David Meiering is a social scientist and has been working on his PhD since 2019 on "Antipluralist Alliances. Bridging Narratives in the Radicalization of Groups." He studied at Humboldt University Berlin and Université Lyon Lumière 2. His research interests include processes of politicization and radicalization, ideologies of inequality, and democracy theory.



  • Schlüsseltexte der 'Neuen Rechten'. Kritische Analysen  antidemokratischen Denkens (Hg.). Lehrbuch in der Reihe Edition Rechtsextremismus. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
  • (Ent-)Politisierung? Die demokratische Gesellschaft im 21. Jahrhundert (Hg. zusammen mit Andreas Schäfer). Leviathan Special Issue 35. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
  • Connecting Structures: Resistance, Heroic Masculinity and Anti-Feminism as Bridging Narratives within Group Radicalization (with Aziz Dziri and Naika Foroutan), in: International Journal of Conflict and Violence 14(2): 1-19. doi: 10.4119/ijcv-3805
  • (Ent-)Politisierung – Debatten, Modelle und Befunde (with Andreas Schäfer), in: Schäfer, Andreas/Meiering, David (Hrsg.): (Ent-)Politisierung? Die demokratische Gesellschaft im 21. Jahrhundert. Leviathan Special Issue 35. Baden-Baden: Nomos, S. 11-36.
  • Widerstand! Ein Brückennarrativ zur Legitimierung von Ungleichwertigkeitsideologien in der Radikalisierung von Gruppen (with Naika Foroutan), in: Bozay, Kemal/Borstel, Dierk (Hrsg.): Kultur der Anerkennung statt Menschenfeindlichkeit. Weinheim: Juventa Beltz, S. 46-64.
  • Brückennarrative: Ein Vorschlag für die Radikalisierungsprävention (with Naika Foroutan), in: Meinhardt, Anne-Kathrin/Redlich, Birgit (Hrsg.): Linke Militanz - Pädagogische Arbeit in Wissenschaft, Gesellschaft und Praxis. Schwalbach am Taunus: Wochenschau Verlag, S. 127-137.
  • Radikalisierung von Gruppen: Brückennarrative als verbindende Erzählstrukturen (with Aziz Dziri and Naika Foroutan), in: Daase, Christopher/Deitelhoff, Nicole/Junk, Julian (Hrsg.): Gesellschaft Extrem. Was wir über Radikalisierung wissen. Frankfurt/New York: Campus Verlag, S. 91–130.


Curriculum Vitae

seit 2022

Doctoral Researcher at the Chair of German Politics, Department of Social Sciences, Humboldt University Berlin


Dissertation Scholarship Evangelisches Studienwerk Villigst (Protestant Academic Foundation)


Research Assistant at the Chair of Political Sociology and Social Policy, Humboldt University Berlin


Research Assistant, Berlin Institute for Integration and Migration Research, Project "Society Extreme. Radicalization and Deradicalization in Germany", funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research


Lecturer at the Institute of Social Sciences, Humboldt University Berlin


M.A. in Social Sciences (Political Sciences and Sociology), Humboldt University Berlin


Erasmus, Université Lumière Lyon 2, France


B.A. in Social Sciences (Political Sciences and Sociology), Humboldt University Berlin



  • Political System of Germany (T.A., B.A. Seminar, Winter 2022/23)
  • Political Theory and the History of Ideas (T.A., B.A. Seminar, Summer 2018, 2019, and 2020)
  • Hegemony, Public, Ideology (B.A. Seminar, Winter 2019/20)
  • Political Theories of the 'New Right’ (B.A. Seminar, Winter 2018/19)
  • Approaches to the 'New Right' in Political Science, Sociology and Social Psychology (B.A. Seminar, Summer 2017)
  • The Factuality of Fiction. Political Sociology in Literature (B.A. Seminar, Co-Teaching with R.A. Tom Ulbricht, Summer 2015)
  • Why Literature? Sociological Approaches to the Relationship of Literature and Society (B.A. Seminar, Winter 2013 – Summer 2014)



10/2017 – 10/2018: Society Extreme. Radicalization and Deradicalization in Germany


The project was part of the research project of the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF) and assessed the current state of research in the fields of right-wing, Islamist, and left-wing radicalization. The overall project involved an interdisciplinary research team from the academic and practical fields, which focused on exploring the phenomena at the macro, meso and micro levels. It also shed light on the role of the (digital) media and the possibilities of evaluating deradicalization measures.


Our sub-project at BIM focused on group processes. The results were presented in various forms of publications, parliamentary evenings and transfer events in order to make the status quo of the research usable for the activities of the relevant actors. For instance, parts of the research results were explained in short videos.