Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Macrosociology

Future of the Middle Class

The research area deals with the changes of the middle classes in European context. It starts from the assumption that the western European countries can be characterized as middle class societies. However, this model comes under pressure. Against the background of the economic crisis, the spread of new insecurities and the growth of inequality, the middle class status faces new challenges. How this happens and how the middle classes react is the main focus of research.



Steffen Mau (2015): Inequality, Marketization and the Majority Class. Why did the European Middle Classes accept Neoliberalism? Basingstoke: Palgrave. [link]

Steffen Mau (2014): Mittelschicht – das unbekannte Wesen? In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APUZ), Beilage zur Wochenzeitschrift „Das Parlament“ 64(49): 3-10. [link]

Uwe Schimank / Steffen Mau / Olaf Groh-Samberg (2014): Statusarbeit unter Druck? Zur Lebensführung der Mittelschichten. Weinheim und Basel: Beltz Juventa.

Steffen Mau (2014): Transformation und Krise der europäischen Mittelschichten. In: Martin Heidenreich (eds.) Krise der Europäischen Vergesellschaftung? Soziologische Perspektiven. Wiesbaden: VS Springer. 253-279.

Steffen Mau (2013) European Middle Classen in Trouble. In: perspectives on Europe, Summer 43(1): 27-31.

Steffen Mau/Patrick Sachweh (2014): The Middle Class in the German Welfare State: Beneficial Involvement at Stake? In: Social Policy & Administration 48(5): 537-555. [link]

Steffen Mau (2012): Lebenschancen. Wohin driftet die Mittelschicht? Berlin: edition Suhrkamp.

Christoph Burkhardt / Markus M. Grabka / Olaf Groh-Samberg / Yvonne Lott / Steffen Mau (2012): Mittelschicht unter Druck? (edited by the BertelsmannStiftung). Gütersloh: Verlag BertelsmannStiftung. [link]