Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Diversity and Social Conflict

Dr. Öndercan Muti

Dr. Öndercan Muti

Humboldt-Universität → Präsidium → Kultur-, Sozial- und Bildungswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Visiting address
Universitätsstraße 3b , Room 331
Consultation hours

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Research Interests


Sociological Theory - Memory Studies - Youth Studies - Intergenerational relations - Genocide Studies - Qualitative Social Research Methods


Academic Background

PhD in Sociology - Humboldt University of Berlin                   2015 - 2021 

Thesis: Memory in Motion: A Comparative Study on

the Postmemories of the Armenian Genocide

Erasmus+ Exchange Program - Utrecht University                 09/2017 - 02/2018

Part of PhD studies at Humboldt University

Summer School - Zoryan Institute Toronto                             2017

Genocide and Human Rights University Program

PhD in Sociology - Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University             2012 - 2015 (discontinued)

Thesis: Differences and Conflicts: A Lifestyle Study on

Middle Classes

M.A. in Sociology - Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University             2009 - 2012

Thesis: Aesthetical Experience of Social-Economic Space:

Exchange and Value in Georg Simmel’s Theory

B.A. in Philosophy - Yeditepe University                                 2005 - 2009

Erasmus Exchange Program - University of Cologne            04/2008 - 09/2008

Part of Bachelor studies at Yeditepe University




Selected Papers


2022. '"Facts, not Emotions:" Changing Generational Needs and New Meanings of the Memory of the Armenian Genocide'. In Family Memory: Practices, Transmissions and Uses in a Global Perspective, ed. Radmila Švaříčková Slabáková, Routledge. New York.


2021. 'Memory in motion: Armenian youth and new forms of engagement with the past'. In Armenian and Jewish Experience between Expulsion and Destruction, ed. Ross, Sarah and Randhofer, Regina, De Gruyter. Oldenbourg.


2021. with Öykü Gürpınar. '“I think it is [the] mother who keeps things going”: The gendered division of labor in the transmission of memory of the Armenian Genocide', Memory Studies Journal, OnlineFirst January 2021,


2020. 'Samtene Revolution und Zukunft des Gedenkens an den Völkermord an den Armeniern', ADK: Armenisch-Deutsche Korrespondenz, (186:1): 42-44


2019. Book Review: 'Lessons from the Past? Memory, Narrativity and Subjectivity: by Bernhard Forchtner, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016', National Identities, DOI:10.1080/14608944.2019.1644866


2019. Book Review: 'Naim Efendi’nin Hatıratı ve Talat Paşa Telgrafları. Krikor Gergeryan Arşivi [The memoir of Naim Efendi and Talat Pasha's Telegrams: Krikor Gergerian Archive]: by Taner Akçam, İletişim, 2016', Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte (70:2): 198-200


2017. with D. Fırat and T. Emiroğlu. 'Gezi Direnişi Vesilesiyle: Türkiye’de Politik Kuşaklar ve "19 Ocak Kuşağı"' [On the Occasion of the Gezi Resistance: Political Generations in Turkey and "The Generation of January 19th"] In. Devrimci Bir Pusula: Gezi [A Revolutionary Compass: Gezi]. Derya Fırat, Cihan Erdal (ed.) Ayrıntı. Istanbul.


2017. with Fırat et al. 'Postmemory of the Armenian Genocide: A Comparative Study of the 4th Generation in Turkey and Armenia'. Oral History Forum d’Histoire Orale 37 (2017), Special Issue on Generations and Memory: Continuity and Change.


2016. 'Ein Gespräch mit Levent Şensever über die Organisation SEHAK und deren Aktivitäten im Bereich Holocaust Education und Antisemitismus', Commitment without Borders: Ein deutsch-türkisches Handbuch zu Antisemitismusprävention und Holocaust Education, KIgA e.V., Berlin, p. 80-83


2016. 'Das Projekt „All is One“ – Gespräch mit James Macmillan über den ersten Auschwitz-Besuch einer türkischen Schulklasse', Commitment without Borders: Ein deutsch-türkisches Handbuch zu Antisemitismusprävention und Holocaust Education, KIgA e.V., Berlin, p. 84-87


2015. ‘”Gençler birçok şeyi yazıyorlar. Kendilerine roller, bir slogan belirliyorlar”: 19 Ocak kuşağı ve bellek talepleri’ [”The youth writes about a lot of stuff. They choose roles and a slogan for themselves”: The Generation of 19th January and their Memory Demands]. Toplum ve Bilim. 132: 150-161


2014. with Hande Topaloğlu. ‘12 Eylül Hapishanelerinde Gündelik Hayat’ [Daily Life in the Prisons of September 12th Military Coup Era]. Teorik Bakış. 4: 67-83


2014. with Derya Fırat. ‘Darbenin Hafıza Mekanları’ [Spaces of Memory of the Coup]. In. Sokağın Belleği: 1 Mayıs 1977’den Gezi Direnişi’ne Toplumsal Hareketler ve Kent Mekanı [The Memory of the Street: Social Movements and and Urban Space from May 1st 1977 to Gezi Resistance]. Derya Fırat (ed.) Dipnot, Ankara.




2021. İbni Sina ve İbni Rüşd: Belirlenimcilik ve Rastlantı [Chance and Determinism in Avicenna and Averroes]. Catarina Belo. trans. Öndercan Muti, Ayrıntı, Istanbul.


2020. Max Weber: Çağlar Arasında Bir Yaşam [Max Weber: Ein Leben zwischen den Epochen]. Jürgen Kaube. trans. Öndercan Muti, İletişim, Istanbul.


2017. Failin Kahkası [Das Lachen der Täter]. Klaus Theweleit. trans. Öndercan Muti, İletişim, Istanbul.


Research & Work Experience


2010-2012. 12 Eylül: Bir Kolektif Bellek Araştırması (September 12th: A research on Collective Memory) by BEKS (Foundation for Sociology of Memory and Culture)/ Researcher and Coordinator


2013-2015. Yaşam Stili Çatışmaları: Büyük Kentlerde Yaşayan Orta Sınıflar Üzerine Bir Yaşam Stili Araştırması (Lifestyle Researches: A Lifestyle Research on Middle Classes in Major Cities) funded by TÜBİTAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey)/ Research Assistant.


2016-2017. Postmemory of the Armenian Genocide: A Comparative Study on the 4th Generation in Turkey, Armenia, and Diaspora by BEKS (Foundation for Sociology of Memory and Culture)/ Researcher and Coordinator (the website of the project:


2020-2021. open mind – Transnational und communityübergreifend gegen Islam- und Muslimfeindlichkeit by La Red - Vernetzung und Integration e.V./ Scientific associate and coordinator


2022- Population Europe | Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research 

Project Coordinator