Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Political Theory

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Department of Social Sciences | Political Theory | Events | Spheres of Citizenship | Bethania Assy zu "Political (re)existence and the subject of injustice"

Spheres of Citizenship | Bethania Assy zu "Political (re)existence and the subject of injustice"

Prof. Bethania Assy von der PUC Rio de Janeiro hält die Opening Keynote des von CAPES und DAAD geförderten Workshops des Projekts 'Spheres of Citizenship' zu 'Political (re)existence and the subject of injustice'. Der Vortrag findet am 7. November 2022 um 13 Uhr in der Dorotheenstr. 26, Raum 422 statt.

Political (re)existence and the subject of injustice proposes a new epistemological approach to a theory of justice based on the concrete experience of the subject of injustice. In her presentation, Bethania Assy explores the relationship between capture, understood as vulnerability in the access to rights, and resistance, understood as the development of potency to self and collective affirmation, from three aspects: the development of political capacity as a process of subjectivation, the production of rights through the development of a new grammar of rights and the ethic of responsibility of the subjects that are not exposed to that violence. Her concept of resistance as re-existence starts with the recognition of state violence as formative in the process of subjectivation, the different temporalities of emergence, injustice, and reparation, as well as the spatiality that determines the concrete experience of injustice.

