Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Political Theory

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Buchvorstellung: Édouard Glissant and the Middle Passage

John Drabinski (University of Maryland) wird sein neuestes Werk 'Édouard Glissant and the Middle Passage: Philosophy, Beginning, Abyss' vorstellen. 8. Juni 2021, 16 Uhr

Buchvorstellung Édouard Glissant and the Middle Passage
8. Juni 2021, 16 Uhr
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Zoom
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John Drabinski (University of Maryland) wird sein neuestes Werk zu Édouard Glissant vorstellen. Zentral sind dabei die Fragen der Erinnerung und Glissants Beitrag zum politischen Denken. Zudem wird Glissants karibische kritische Theorie mit dem Motiv "break in tradition" in den Arbeiten Hannah Arendts und Walter Benjamins zusammengebracht.


Zu Édouard Glissant and the Middle Passage, University of Minnesota Press 2019: "While philosophy has undertaken the work of accounting for Europe’s traumatic history, the field has not shown the same attention to the catastrophe known as the Middle Passage. It is a history that requires its own ideas that emerge organically from the societies that experienced the Middle Passage and its consequences firsthand. Glissant and the Middle Passage offers a new, important approach to this neglected calamity by examining the thought of Édouard Glissant, particularly his development of Caribbeanness as a critical concept rooted in the experience of the slave trade and its aftermath in colonialism.

Glissant and the Middle Passage establishes Édouard Glissant’s proper place as a key theorist of ruin, catastrophe, abyss, and memory. Identifying his insistence on memories and histories tied to place as the crucial geography at the heart of his work, this book imparts an innovative new response to the specific historical experiences of the Middle Passage."


Diese Veranstaltung ist Teil der Reihe Breaks in Tradition: Shifting Geographies of Political Thought, organisiert von Niklas Plaetzer (University of Chicago) in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Lehrbereich Theorie der Politik (Prof. Volk) und dem Centre Marc Bloch.